A appendix – pc interface, Pc interface – Eppendorf PatchMan NP 2 User Manual
Page 45

The command and the parameters must be separated by separators. These can be either
spaces or signs. Commas, etc. are not permissible as separators. If a space is used as a
separator, the subsequent number is regarded as positive.
With the exception of the block end marks, only displayable ASCII characters are used.
The block end marks can be received as CR or LF or CR/LF. CR is always sent.
All command/response codes (e.g. C010) consist of a string without any internal space.
Typing errors should be avoided in the command. If typing errors are corrected during typing,
these corrections are also transmitted, thus triggering an error message.
2.3 Communication using Hyper Terminal from Windows
Settings for parameters in Hyper Terminal:
19200 bits/s
Databits: 8
Parity: None.
Stop bits: 1
Set flow control to "none"
ASCII set-up:
Activate line feed and local echo
Line delay: Can remain set to 0 for manual input of single commands
To process stack files, enter appropriate value (e.g. 2500 milliseconds)
Activate "Append line feeds"
Communication can be tested once the PC and the manipulator have been connected as
described above and the Hyper Terminal has been appropriately configured.
Type "C001"
Response from the micro-manipulator: A001 5181 V1.04
This response comes immediately. There is no change in the routine display of the micro-
Further commands can be entered using the keyboard. For external control, remote control
should first be switched on using C004.
Command sequences can also be combined using a text editor.
To ensure that the manipulator has enough time to process one command before the next one
is received, a "line delay" should be set in Hyper Terminal.
2.4 Command list
All axis specifications relate directly to the three drive motors, regardless of the drive's mounting
form. Coordinate transformations based on differing modes of mounting are not listed here.
C0xx: Command to PatchMan
NP 2
A0xx: Checkback from PatchMan
NP 2
C001 Version polling
Parameter: None
Version reply
Parameter: Version
A Appendix – PC interface
PC interface
AnhangPC_e.fm Seite 90 Dienstag, 16. August 2005 3:25 15