Aerovent IM-500 User Manual

Page 22

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Aerovent IM-500

of Seller without its written consent. When Buyer orders articles Buyer is licensed to have made for Buyer, Seller is hereby

authorized to manufacture said articles under Buyer’s license and Buyer will be responsible for such royalties as may be due

and for such notification to its licensor as Buyer is obligated to make.

12. CHANGES. After acceptance by Seller, Buyer’s order shall not be subject to cancellation, change or reduction in

amount nor to any suspension by Buyer of deliveries without Seller’s prior written consent. Buyer acknowledges that Seller

engages in continuous product improvement and makes changes to its products from time to time. The Seller reserves the

right to make reasonable changes and use substitute parts or products as long as such substitutions perform equal or better

than the original product or part thereof, and shall have the right to deliver revised designs or models and such substitute

products or parts against any order.

13. NONWAIVER OF DEFAULT. Each shipment made under any order shall be treated as a separate transaction, but

in the event of any default by Buyer, Seller may decline to make further shipments without in any way affecting its rights

under such order. If, despite any default by Buyer, Seller elects to continue to make shipments, its actions shall not consti-

tute a waiver of any default by Buyer or in any way affect Seller’s legal remedy for such default, Seller’s failure to deliver, or

nonconformity of, any installment of this Agreement shall not be a breach of the entire Agreement.

14. TERMINATION. If the products to be furnished under this order are to be used in the performance of a Government

contract or subcontract and the Government terminates such contract, in whole or in part, this order may be cancelled in the

same proportion, and the liability of Buyer for termination allowances shall be determined by the then applicable regulations

of the Government regarding termination of contracts. No termination by Buyer for default shall be effective unless Seller

shall have failed to correct such alleged defect within fifteen (15) days after receipt by Seller of a written notice specifying

such default.

15. ASSIGNS. This agreement shall be binding and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the entire

business and good will of either Seller or Buyer or of that part of the business of either used in the performance of this

Agreement, but shall not be otherwise assignable.

16. MODIFICATION OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS. No addition to or modification of any of the

provisions upon the face or reverse of this form shall be binding upon Seller, unless made in writing and signed by a duly

authorized employee of Seller.

17. ARBITRATION. Buyer agrees that all claims, demands, disputes, controversies, and differences arising under any con-

tract made hereunder shall be settled exclusively in arbitration in accordance with the rules then prevailing of the American

Arbitration Association. Upon prevailing in any such arbitration, Seller shall be entitled to an award of its costs and attorneys

fees. Judgment on the award thus rendered shall be binding on the Buyer and may be entered in any court having jurisdiction

thereof. Unless the parties agree otherwise in writing, such arbitration will be conducted in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

18. EXPORT REGULATIONS; PERMITS. Buyer will comply with the provisions of the United States Government’s

Export Administration regulations and related documentation requirements and internal control procedures. Buyer shall be

responsible for obtaining any necessary export or import licenses and permits.

19. APPLICABLE LAW. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws (and

not the laws of conflicts) of the State of Minnesota, U.S.A. and the Buyer submits to the personal jurisdiction of courts

located in Minnesota, U.S.A. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Products shall not

apply to this Agreement.

20. VALIDITY. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, the validity and

enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected.

21. MISCELLANEOUS. All clerical errors are subject to correction. Seller may subcontract the furnishing of any products

sold hereunder and any portion thereof.