Aerovent IM-100 User Manual
Im-100, Introduction, Receiving

©2014 Aerovent
This manual has been prepared to guide the users of
Aerovent equipment in the proper installation, operation
and maintenance procedures to insure maximum equip-
ment life and trouble-free operation.
Products leaving the assembly plant have been
inspected and are in satisfactory operating condition.
The carrier assumes full responsibility for material from
the time it leaves the plant until it is delivered to the
user. Therefore, material should be inspected for dam-
age immediately so that any damage claims against the
carrier can be made before acceptance of the shipment.
No equipment is to be returned without an authorized
returned goods tag.
All products must be handled with extreme care to
avoid misalignment of rotating components. Never lift a
unit assembly by using the shaft, drive sheaves, wheel
or motor as a point of attachment. If it is apparent
that slings will not clear a portion of the product being
hoisted, a spreader should be used to avoid damage.
Initial Operation
All Aerovent fans are lubricated at the factory and have
been given a run-in test before shipment. Read carefully
all installation and maintenance manuals before follow-
ing the startup check list.
Safety Precautions
Any piece of machinery should be treated with respect
and not overconfidence. Overconfidence usually leads to
carelessness and carelessness leads to injury. Following
is a list of DOs and DO NOTs:
1. Make sure the unit is stopped and electrical power
is locked out before putting hands into the inlet or
outlet openings or near the belt drive. A warning
sign on the START SWITCH cautioning not to start
is recommended when the unit is being serviced.
2. Follow maintenance instructions.
1. Put hands near or allow loose or hanging clothing to
be near belts or sheaves while the unit is running.
2. Put hands into inlet or outlet while the unit is run-
ning. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether or not a
fan is running.... be sure it is not running and cannot
be operated before any inspection.
Startup Checklist
1. Inspect the equipment for any shipping damage.
Remove any foreign material such as tags or packing
from any moving parts or from within the fan housing.
2. Compare the voltage, hertz, and phase stamped on
the motor with the current characteristics of the line
to which the motor is to be connected.
3. Lock out the power source at the disconnect switch.
4. Turn motor, drive, and propeller by hand to see that
no misalignment has taken place in shipment. Check
V-belt drive for proper alignment and belt tension.
5. Check all bolts, screws and fasteners and tighten if
necessary. Make certain all set screws, locking col-
lars and bearing mounting bolts are secure.
6. Secure and check clearance of access doors, belt
guards and inlet and outlet guards.
7. If equipped with dampers, check for correct linkage
operation. Make sure that the operator opens or
closes these control devices to the proper positions.
8. Jog the fan electrically and note the rotation. Reverse
two electrical leads, if necessary, to obtain proper
rotation as marked with rotation arrow on fan. Do
not allow the propeller to run backwards except
Centrifugal Fans: Close dampers as required for
adequate system resistance to prevent the motor
from overloading.
CAUTION: With fans that use the forward-curve or
radial type of wheel, it is possible to overload the motor
if the fan is operated at a lower static pressure than
that which the fan is rated. Check the catalog rating of
the fan for proper speed and resistance.
10. Start the fan and observe its operation.
11. Take a motor amp reading and compare with the
amp rating on the motor. (The actual running amps
should not exceed motor nameplate amps x service
factor, exceptions may be taken for air over motors.)
Fan Balance
Fan propellers are statically and dynamically balanced
within acceptable tolerances at the factory. Damage in
shipping and handling or poor installation of the unit
may upset the unit balance. A propeller that is not
properly balanced can lead to excessive vibration caus-
ing undue wear on the entire unit. It is recommended
that after installation a vibration test be made on the
fan by an experienced technician.
CAUTION: For units furnished less final drive compo-
nents at customer request, the addition of drive com-
ponents in the field can create critical vibration modes.
Aerovent strongly recommends a final unit balance
procedure after all rotating components are installed.
Failure to do so voids Aerovent’s warranty.
General Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions For Aerovent Products
August 2014