Working in perform mode, Selecting patches in performance – Apple MainStage User Manual
Page 86

Chapter 8
Performing Live With MainStage
To switch to Full Screen mode, do one of the following:
Choose View > Full Screen (or press Command-4).
Click the Full Screen button in the Toolbar.
To leave Full Screen mode, do one of the following:
Press the Escape (Esc) key.
Click the circled “X” in the upper-left corner of the screen.
Use the key command for one of the other modes (Command-1 through Command-3).
Working in Perform Mode
In Perform mode, the workspace fills the MainStage window, but the Toolbar is still
visible so that you can access the Master Mute, Panic, Tuner, and other Toolbar buttons.
You can resize the MainStage window and can also change the size of the workspace
inside the window using the zoom slider. You can access the Finder and other open
applications by clicking outside the MainStage window.
To switch to Perform mode, do one of the following:
Choose View > Perform (or press Command-3).
Click the Perform button in the Toolbar.
By default, when you open MainStage, it opens in Edit mode. You can change the
default behavior in the General pane of MainStage Preferences so that it opens in
Perform or Full Screen mode. For more information, see “
Selecting Patches in Performance
In Full Screen or Perform mode, you can view and select patches using the patch
selector screen control in your layout. Patches and sets appear in the patch selector in
the same order as in the Patch List in Edit mode. Skipped items do not appear in the
patch selector and cannot be selected, but patches in collapsed sets do appear and can
be selected. For information about skipping items, see “
When you select a patch, you can start playing it instantly. If you are sustaining notes
from the previous patch, they will continue to be sustained until you release the notes
or the sustain pedal. If the previous patch contains effects (such as a reverb or delay
effect) with a release “tail,” the effect tail continues sounding for the amount of time set
in the Silence Previous Patch pop-up menu in MainStage Preferences. For more
information, see “