Resetting a channel strip, Editing channel strips in mainstage – Apple MainStage User Manual
Page 54

Chapter 6
Working in Edit Mode
If more than one channel strip has the text as part of its name, choose Find Again from
the Action menu to cycle through the channel strips with names containing the text.
To change the channel strip setting, click the name of the new setting in the Channel
Strip Settings browser.
The Channel Strip Settings browser shows all channel strip settings available to
Logic Studio applications, including settings that may not be useful in MainStage, such
as surround and mastering settings. If you choose a channel strip setting containing
plug-ins not usable in MainStage, the plug-ins appear with a bold diagonal line in the
Channel Strips area.
Resetting a Channel Strip
You can also reset a channel strip. Resetting a channel strip removes all instruments
and effects, putting the channel strip in an “empty” state.
To reset a channel strip:
In the Channel Strips area, select the channel strip.
In the Channel Strip Settings browser, click Reset.
After you have reset the channel strip, you can choose a new setting from the Channel
Strip Settings browser or add instruments and effects directly on the channel strip.
Editing Channel Strips in MainStage
You can add instruments to software instrument channel strips and add effects to both
audio and software instrument channel strips in the Channel Strips area. Adding
instruments and effects to a channel strip is the same in MainStage as it is in
Logic Pro 8.
Not all Logic Studio effects and instruments can be used with MainStage. In particular,
effects that introduce a large amount of latency, or that are designed for surround
panning, cannot be used with MainStage. If you choose a channel strip setting
containing one of these effects, the unused effects are shown disabled (gray, with a
diagonal line running through the effect name).
You edit channel strip parameters in the Channel Strip Inspector, which appears below
the Patch List when the channel strip is selected in the Channel Strips area. You can
rename a channel strip, give it a color, set a velocity range and velocity offset, create a
controller transform, and filter MIDI control messages to the channel strip.