Apple MainStage User Manual
Page 24

Chapter 4
Getting Started With MainStage
To choose a concert template:
Choose File > New Concert (or press Command-N).
The Choose Template dialog appears. On the left is the Collection list, with collections
for different instrument types. On the right is the Template list, which shows the
available templates for the selected collection.
Click a collection from the Collection list to see the templates in that collection.
Click a concert template from the Template list to create a new concert using that
A new concert created from the template opens in Edit mode. The workspace appears
in the center of the MainStage window, showing the screen controls in the concert. To
the left of the workspace is the Patch List, which shows the patches and sets in the
concert. The channel strips for the selected patch appear in the Channel Strips area to
the right of the workspace.
The first time you open a concert, the topmost patch is selected, so you can start
playing immediately using a connected keyboard controller (if the patch has a software
instrument channel strip) or using an instrument or microphone connected to your
computer (if the patch has an audio channel strip). When you reopen a saved concert,
the patch that was selected when you closed the concert is selected.
For more information about opening, editing, and saving concerts, see “
Choose a collection from
this column to see the
available templates.
Choose a template for a new
concert from this column.