Changing program change numbers – Apple MainStage User Manual

Page 49

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Chapter 6

Working in Edit Mode


Changing Program Change Numbers

When you add a patch to a concert, the patch is given a MIDI program change number
(the lowest available number between 0–127) until all available program change
numbers are taken. You can use program change numbers to select patches when
performing by assigning buttons on a MIDI device to send program change messages.
You can change the program change number in the Patch Inspector.

To change the program change number for a patch:


In the Patch List, select the patch.

When you select a patch, the Patch Inspector appears below the Patch List.


In the Patch Inspector, select the Program Change checkbox.


Using the value slider, set the program change number.

The MIDI standard allows program change numbers with values from 0–127. If all
available program change numbers in a concert are already in use, any new patches
added to the concert will be given program change number zero (0), but the number is
active (the checkbox is not selected).

If two or more patches have the same program change number, and the numbers are
active, the patch that appears first (highest) in the Patch List or patch selector is
selected when you send the program change message with the corresponding value.

You can reset program change numbers for all patches in a concert. When you reset
program change numbers, patches are assigned program change numbers based on
their order in the Patch List, starting from the top.

To reset program change numbers for all patches in a concert:


Choose Reset Program Change Numbers from the Action menu for the Patch List (or
press Command-Shift-Option-R).

You can assign buttons and other controls to send program change messages, and use
them to select patches in the concert. For information about assigning buttons, see

Assigning Buttons

” on page 77.

Select the checkbox and
set the program change
number in the value