Using programs and backing up disks – Apple Macintosh Performa 5400 Series User Manual

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Your computer came with several application programs already installed. You
can open these programs by clicking their buttons in the Launcher.

Backup copies of all your computer’s preinstalled application programs exist
on the Macintosh Performa CD: Performa Software that came with your
computer. This CD also contains additional programs that you can copy to
your hard disk.


To prevent performance problems with your computer, install only

those programs from the Macintosh Performa CD: Performa Software that you
really need and remove the ones you installed from the CD but no longer use.

For information on using the programs on the Macintosh Performa CD:
Performa Software,
see any Read Me files that may accompany them on the
CD. For information on where on your CD you can find these programs, see
the section “Copying Files From the CD to Your Hard Disk” in Chapter 7.

The Apple Extras folder on your hard disk also contains some programs. One
of these is Apple Video Player, which lets you watch video or TV on your
computer. However, although the application is already installed, to actually
watch video on your computer you need to install a video input card. Similarly,
to watch video and TV, you need to install both a video input card and a TV
tuner card. Some computers come with these cards already installed. (Your
computer has these cards installed if you find the Apple video or TV manuals
in the box that came with your computer.) If you don’t have these cards
installed, you can purchase them from an Apple-authorized dealer.


Using Programs and Backing Up Disks

Read this chapter to learn how to work

with application programs and protect

the information on your disks.