Pulsafeeder Polyfeeder EN User Manual

Page 15

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NOTE: Depending on the level of neat polymer in the tote/ supply tank, the neat polymer suction
side piping can fill very rapidly! Be prepared to close valves quickly!


Carefully open the neat polymer inlet valve. The suction piping will begin to fill with neat polymer.

Once polymer is observed coming out the suction side drain valve, close the drain valve.

Polymer will then start to fill the calibration column and the rest of the suction side pipeline.

When the column is nearly full, close the calibration column isolation valve.

NOTE: The neat polymer supply tote/tank must have sufficient polymer in it for the calibration
column to fill itself. In the event of low polymer levels in the supply tank, the column can be filled
manually via its top port.


Open the Neat Polymer suction side Bleed valve.


Once polymer is observed coming out the suction side bleed valve, close the (suction side) bleed valve.
The suction side pipeline should now be full of neat polymer. Discharge Side Polymer Priming


The polymer feed pump is not self-priming and will need to be operated in order to fill the discharge side
of the polymer feed piping. If permissible, it is recommended that system water be allowed to flow during
discharge side polymer priming in the event that polymer enters the mixing chamber.


If the dilution water inlet regulator or solenoid valve was manually closed previously, open them. Water
should begin to flow and the polymer pump should start to generate system flow.


NOTE: At this point, power must be wired to the system. See Section 6.6 for details.


Enter into the Manual Pump Control Mode from the controller front panel by depressing ENTER and
ALARM RESET push buttons simultaneously. Pressing ENTER and holding it depressed allows
jogging of the polymer pump.


After a few moments of pump operation, Neat polymer will begin to flow into the discharge piping.
When polymer begins to flow out of the discharge side bleed valve, close that valve and release the
ENTER push button.


Immediately after closing the discharge bleed valve, open the neat polymer isolation valve.


Note the reading on the neat polymer inlet pressure valve, this should be 10-30 psi higher than the
dilution water inlet pressure, BUT MUST NOT EXCEED 120 PSI. Setting Polymer Backpressure and Pressure Relief Valves


NOTE: There are two (2) Griffco T-series valves set into the neat polymer discharge side pipeline.

These are PVC and/or Stainless steel cylinders with conical tops with black plastic caps on them.

One valve is ported to atmosphere – this is the neat polymer pressure relief.


The other valve is connected to a length of 3/8” flexible tube with a compression fitting. This is the neat
polymer backpressure valve.


If the setting of these valves needs adjustment, remove the black cap and insert a straight blade

screwdriver into the slot. Twist clockwise to increase the pressure setting, counter-clockwise to reduce it.


Set the neat polymer backpressure valve to a setting 10-30 psi above the dilution water inlet pressure.