Agilent Technologies B2201A User Manual
Page 3

According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and CEN/CENELEC EN 45014
Manuf acturer’s Name :
Agilen t Technologies Interna tional sarl
Manufact urer’s Address :
Supplier’s Address :
Rue de la Gare 29
CH - 1110 Morge s
Switzerlan d
Declares under sole responsibility that the product as originally delivere d
Product Name :
Femto Leakag e Switch Mainframe
Femto Lea kage Switch Modul e
14ch Low Leakag e Switch Mainfram e
14ch Low Leakag e Switc h Modul e
Model Number :
Agilen t B2200A
Agilent B22 10A
Agilen t B2201A
Agile nt B22 11A
Product Options :
This declaration covers all options of the above product(s )
complies with the esse ntial requi reme nts of the following appli cable European Directives , and carr ies
the CE mark ing acc ordingl y:
Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC )
EMC Direc tive (89 /336/EEC , amended by 93/68/EEC )
and conforms with the following product standard s
Standar d
IEC 61326:2002/ EN 61326:02
CISPR 11:1999+A2 / EN 55011:1998+A 1
IEC 61000-4-2:2001 / EN 61000-4-2:1995+A1+A2
IEC 61000-4-3:2002 / EN 61000-4-3:1996+A1+A2
IEC 61000-4-4:1995+A1+A2 / EN 61000-4-4:1995+A1
IEC 61000-4-5:2001 / EN 61000-4-5:1995+A1
IEC 61000-4-6:2001 / EN 61000-4-6:1996+A1
IEC 61000-4-11:2001 / EN 61000-4-11:1994+A1
Canada: ICES-001:1998
Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS 2064.1
Group 1 Class A
4 kV CD, 8 kV AD
3 V/m, 80-1000 MHz
0.5 kV signal lines, 1 kV power lines
0.5 kV line-line, 1 kV line-ground
3 V, 0.15-80 MHz
1 cycle, 100%
The product was tested in a typical configuration with Agilent Technologies test systems.
IEC 61010-1:2001 / EN 61010-1:2001
Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992, NRTL/C
Supplementary Information:
This DoC applies to abov e-listed products placed on the EU market after:
Sep 24, 2004
Toshiyuki Kawaj i
QA Manager
Agilent Technologie s