Agilent Technologies B2201A User Manual
Page 140

Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
Command Summary
[:ROUT]:SYMB:CHAN card_number,channel,'string'
[:ROUT]:SYMB:CHAN? card_number,channel
Defines a string for the specified channel.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
channel: channel number, 1 to 48 for Auto, 1 to
12 for Normal
Query returns the symbol string set to the specified
[:ROUT]:SYMB:PORT port,'string'
Defines a string for the specified input port.
port: input port number, 1 to 14
Query returns the symbol string set to the specified
input port.
Relay Control Commands
[:ROUT]:OPEN:CARD card_number
Disconnects all input ports from all output ports for
the specified card.
card_number: 0 or ALL for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL for Normal Config
[:ROUT]:OPEN[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:OPEN[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Disconnects the input ports from output ports as
specified in channel_list.
channel_list: Channels to open.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
0 (closed) or 1 (opened).
channel_list: Channels to check.
[:ROUT]:CLOS:CARD? card_number
Returns channel_list of all closed channels for the
specified card. “closed channel” means an input
port connected to an output port.
card_number: Card to check. 0 for Auto Config,
1, 2, 3, or 4 for Normal Config.
[:ROUT]:CLOS[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUT]:CLOS[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Connects the input ports to the output ports as
specified in channel_list.
channel_list: Channels to close.
Query returns the status of the specified channels:
1 (closed) or 0 (opened).
channel_list: Channels to check.