Route]:agnd:channel:disable[:list, Route]:agnd:channel:enable:card – Agilent Technologies B2201A User Manual
Page 151

Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2
SCPI Command Reference
This command specifies the ground-disabled output ports (channels). When the
Ground Mode is ON, the ground-disabled output ports are disconnected from the
input Ground Port. At *RST, no channel is ground-enabled. The ground mode is set
by “[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]”.
The query returns whether the specified channels are ground-disabled or not.
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST] (@channel_list)
[:ROUTe]:AGND:CHANnel:DISable[:LIST]? (@channel_list)
Input port is always the input Ground Port. So, the input ports in channel_list are
ignored. However, you cannot abbreviate the input port.
Query response
disable_status{, disable_status}
1: ground disabled
0: ground enabled
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:CHAN:DIS (@10101)"
OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:AGND:CHAN:DIS? (@10101,10102,10201)"
ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example ground-disables the output port 1 on the card 1. In this example, A$
will be 1,0,1.
This command ground-enables the all output ports (channels) for the specified card.
When the Ground Mode is ON, the ground-enabled output ports that have not been
connected to any other input port are connected to the input Ground Port. This
command is available only for the specified card. At *RST, no channel is
ground-enabled. The ground mode is set by “[:ROUTe]:AGND[:STATe]”.
Parameter Explanation
Channels to ground-disable or to check.
For channel_list, see “Switch Control” on page 4-5.