Route]:symbol:channel, Route]:symbol:channel -42 – Agilent Technologies B2201A User Manual

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Agilent B2200 User’s Guide, Edition 2

SCPI Command Reference


In the GPIB local mode, the B2200 uses 01 to 48 (two digits numbers) to specify the
output ports (channels) 1 to 48 respectively. This command specifies a symbol string
and lets the B2200 use the specified string instead of the two digits number. The
query returns the symbol string.

Maximum value of the two digits number depends on the B2200 configuration. It is
12 for the normal configuration mode or the auto configuration mode with one
matrix card, 24 for the auto configuration mode with two matrix cards, 36 for the
auto configuration mode with three matrix cards, or 48 for the auto configuration
mode with four matrix cards.

Reboot, *RST, and :SYSTem:CPON clear the symbol strings. After that, the initial
symbol string (two digits numbers 01 to 48) will be set.


[:ROUTe]:SYMBol:CHANnel card_number,channel_number,'string'

[:ROUTe]:SYMBol:CHANnel? card_number,channel_number

Query response

string <^END>



OUTPUT @Agb2200;":ROUT:SYMB:CHAN? 0,10"

ENTER @Agb2200;A$
This example assigns the string GATE to the output port 10. After that, GATE is used
instead of 10. In this example, A$ will be GATE.

Parameter Explanation


For Auto Config mode: 0 or ALL
For Normal Config mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, or ALL
ALL is not available for query.


Output port number: 1 to 48 for Auto, 1 to 12 for Normal.


Symbol string set to the specified output port (channel).
Maximum 6 characters.

Numeric characters, alphabetic characters; upper case and
lower case, space, and the following symbols are available.

! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / > ? : ~ ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ‘ { | } ^ _

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