2 smart card removal behavior, Smart card removal behavior, Smart card removal behavior 4.2 – HID Crescendo Integration User Manual

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Crescendo Integration Guide

47A3-905, A.1

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

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© 2008 HID Global Corporation. All rights reserved

December 1, 2008

Select ‘Always use this Digital ID’. The dialog appears at log on, and within a 5 second counter the login

proceeds with the selected certificate:

Figure 46:Select digital id (winlogon.exe): Always use this digital id

This functionality has been included to allow users to be aware if their token contains multiple Digital IDs for

log on (should they want to switch at a given time). This counter can be configured in the registry



Smart Card Removal Behavior


For security reasons, enable smart card removal behavior. This means when a user removes their token from the

smart card reader, a pre-defined policy is activated within that domain.
Smart card removal behavior is defined by a security policy. This policy determines what happens when the token for

a logged on user is removed from the smart card reader. The options are:

No Action

Lock Workstation: the workstation is locked when the token is removed

Force Logoff: the user is automatically logged off when the token is removed

If Lock Workstation is specified, then the workstation is locked when the token is removed, thereby allowing users to

leave their workplace and take their token with them, while still maintaining a protected session. This policy setting is

described below.

Configuration of Smart Card Removal Behavior


Smart card removal behavior is configured on the Domain Controller. In order to configure the smart card removal

behavior for your domain, go to the

domain Security policy settings. For instance, configure all computers in the

domain, in addition to the Domain Controller



To open the

domain Security policy settings, go to

Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools:

Figure 47: domain Security policy

6 In order to enable and configure this functionality, you need sufficient administration rights to edit the registry.

7 Do not confuse this with the Domain Controller Security Policy settings, where you configure the Security Policy for the Domain Controller.