About this guide, Purpose, Audience – HID Crescendo Integration User Manual

Page 3: Conventions, References, Purpose audience conventions references

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December 1, 2008

© 2008 HID Global Corporation. All rights reserved.

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47A3-905, A.1

Crescendo Integration Guide

Microsoft Windows Server 2003

About this Guide

ThE inFormATion conTAinEd in ThiS documEnT iS providEd “AS iS” WiThouT Any WArrAnTy.

hid GLoBAL hErEBy diScLAimS ALL WArrAnTiES And condiTionS WiTh rEGArd To ThE

inFormATion conTAinEd hErEin, incLudinG ALL impLiEd WArrAnTiES oF mErchAnTABiLiTy,

FiTnESS For A pArTicuLAr purpoSE, TiTLE And non-inFrinGEmEnT.
in no EvEnT ShALL hid GLoBAL BE LiABLE, WhEThEr in conTrAcT, TorT or oThErWiSE For Any

indirEcT, SpEciAL or conSEQuEnTiAL dAmAGES AriSinG From uSE oF inFormATion conTAinEd

in ThiS documEnT.
Windows is a registered trademark of microsoft corporation in the united States and other countries.


In order to set up your HID Crescendo card with Microsoft

Windows® secure log-on, follow the instructions in the manual,

which describe such activities as obtaining a smart card user /

logon certificate.
This manual assumes you have installed SafeSign Identity Client

and have a Crescendo C200 or C700 card.
Not all activities described in this manual can be performed by a

user. For example, to set up Certificate Services you need to log

on as administrator of the domain and have administrator rights.
Setting up Microsoft® Certificate Services is meant as guidance

only. HID Global cannot be held liable for any malfunctioning from

configuring Microsoft Certificate Services.


This manual is specifically designed for users of Microsoft Windows® Server 2003, who wish to use their HID

Crescendo™ C200 or C700 card to obtain strong authentication in their Microsoft® environment


The following outlines conventions used in this guide.

Every activity has a number of steps, indicated by numbers.

Each step requiring an action is indicated by a “


Special notes of consideration are repesented by a “



Microsoft also provides information about how to enable your Domain server for smart card logon.

For general information on deploying a smart card program, see:

The Smart Card Deployment Cookbook

For specific information on installing and configuring the PKI with the Microsoft Certificate Authority, see:

Deploying the PKI

For information on how to enroll users and deploy smart cards, see:

Deploying Smart Cards