Mätning, Enskild mätning】 【funktionen kontinuerlig mätning – Nikon COOLSHOT User Manual

Page 62

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1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


IAKTTAG FÖRSIKTIGHET — Användning av reglage, justeringar eller funktioner för andra ändamål än de

avsedda kan leda till exponering av farlig strålning.
1. Förberedelse

Sätt i ett batteri i batterifacket. (Se "Byta batteri".)
2. Ögonmussla av gummi

Både glasögonbärare och icke glasögonbärare kan använda avståndsmätaren i levererat


3. Dioptrijustering

Justera dioptrin för att få en tydlig LCD-bild i sökaren.

Vrid först dioptrijusteringsringen moturs tills den stoppar. Tryck därefter på POWER ON/

Mätnings-knappen för att slå på strömmen (Bekräfta att den interna displayen är på). När

du tittar genom ögonmusslan, rotera dioptrijusteringsringen medurs till dess att LCD

hamnar i fokus.

Om du roterar ringen för mycket, rotera den moturs och justera den därefter igen.

Om dioptrin inte justeras efter din syn kan du få svårt att korrekt fokusera på dina mål.
4. Mätning

Kontrollera varje inställt läge innan du mäter (Målprioritetsläge/Distansvisningsenheter).
* Se varje avsnitt för instruktioner om hur du ställer in läget.

1. Slå på strömmen (Bekräfta att

den interna displayen är på).

2. Sikta mot målet.

Positionera målet mitt i


Direkt efter att strömmen

slås på (Initierar).



(Automatisk avstängning (efter

ung. 8 sekunder utan användning)

【Enskild mätning】

【Funktionen Kontinuerlig mätning】

3. Tryck på POWER ON/Mätning-

knappen en gång för att start en

enskild mätning.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.


1. Press the POWER button for power-on.
(Power turns off 8 seconds after the last


Immediately after power-on.



3. Press POWER button once to start single measurement.


4. After measurement, “distance” or “fail to measure” indicator are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another single measurement starts.

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 1)

Displays the measured

figure. (Target 2)

3. Keep pressing POWER button to start continuous measurement up to 20 seconds. The internal display shows “distance” and
“fail to measure” indicator alternately.
Note: Laser irradiaton mark is blinking during the measurement.
Note: If you stop pressing the button, the continuous measuremen stops

Target focusing.

2. Aim at the target


Position the target at the center of the reticle

[Single measurement]

Failure to measure or

unable to measure distance.

Upward measurement.

Downward measurement.

Displays the measured figure.

[Continuous measurement]

4. After continuous measurement, the measure results are displayed for 8 seconds, then power turns off. If you press the POWER
button during power-on (while the internal display is lit), another measrement starts.

4. Efter mätningen visar indikatorn "fail to measure" (Avstånd) eller "fail to

measure" (Misslyckad mätning) i åtta sekunder, sedan slås strömmen av. Om

du trycker på POWER ON/mätning-knappen när strömmen slås på (medan

den interna displayen är på), startar en ny enskild mätning.

3. Tryck och håll nere POWER ON/Mätning-knappen för att starta

kontinuerlig mätning i ca. 8 sekunder. Den interna displayen visar

"distance" (Avstånd) eller "fail to measure" (Misslyckad mätning).

* Laserstrålningsmärket blinkar under mätning.

* Om du släpper knappen, avslutas den kontinuerliga mätningen.


mätning" eller

"kunde inte mäta"


Visar den

uppmätta figuren

(Mål 1)

Visar den

uppmätta figuren

(Mål 2)

4. Efter kontinuerlig mätning visar indikatorn mätresultaten

(mätavstånd) i ca. 8 sekunder, sedan slås strömmen av.

Om du trycker på POWER ON/mätning-knappen när strömmen

slås på (medan den interna displayen är på), startar en ny enskild


Vid mätning av en flagga på en golfbana, använder du t.ex.

Första målprioritetsläget. Skanna flaggan med den kontinuerliga

mätningsfunktionen för enkel mätning. Om det inte finns några

föremål mellan dig och flaggan är den lägsta siffran avståndet

mellan dig och flaggan.


"Misslyckad mätning" eller

"kunde inte mäta" avstånd



Visar den uppmätta figuren