A322, Assembly & installation instructions – Hubbardton Forge 139635 User Manual
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If you need further assistance, or find that you are missing any parts, please contact the dealer from which you purchased this product.
We hope you enjoy your fixture!
* Hubbardton Forge will not be liable for injury or damage caused by improper installation, lamping or use of this fixture.
H U B B A R D T O N F O R G E . C O M
hand-forged, vermont-made lighting and accessories
154 RT. 30 SOUTH
All designs and images ©1989-2013 Hubbardton Forge
. All rights reserved.
Assembly & Installation Instructions
To Install Glass Diffuser
(Figure 7)
Component Parts
S Diffuser
1. Install light bulbs. Not Included.
2. Hold diffuser (S) at a slight angle as seen in Figure 7 and
raise up into fixture.
3. Level out diffuser (S) and lower down so it sits flat onto the
four tabs on the fixture. Adjust position so it sits centered in
the fixture.
4. Restore electricity at main breaker.
Exos Square Shade Pendant 139625, 139630 & 139635
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(Figure 6)
(Figure 7)