A312, Assembly & installation instructions – Hubbardton Forge 127663 User Manual
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H U B B A R D T O N F O R G E . C O M
hand-forged, vermont-made lighting and accessories
154 RT. 30 SOUTH
All designs and images ©1989-2013 Hubbardton Forge
. All rights reserved.
27254 Rev C
Assembly & Installation Instructions
If you need further assistance, or find that you are missing any parts, please contact the dealer from which you purchased this product.
We hope you enjoy your fixture!
* Hubbardton Forge will not be liable for injury or damage caused by improper installation, lamping or use of this fixture.
To Install Lower Assembly
(Figures 5 & 6)
Component Parts
M Lower Assembly
N Threaded Nipple
O Cap
P Washer
Q Lock Washer
1. Remove cap (O) and lock washer (Q) from nipple (N). Parts
ship installed; retain for later use.
2. Feed lock washer (Q) over nipple (N).
3. Align center hole in the lower assembly (M) with the
threaded nipple (N) and lift over nipple.
4. While holding lower assembly (M) over the threaded nipple
(N), twist cap (O) onto the nipple and tighten.
Note: A new electric box comes with screws. When replacing a
fixture, retain the existing screws for use with the new fixture.
5. Slide shade (I) off of collar (G) and lower it onto the washer
(P) making sure it is below the checkring (H) (Figure 6).
6. Lower checkring (H) followed by collar (G) and tighten
against the slotted washer of the shade. Tighten thumb
screw (F) to hold in place.
Brindille Semi-Flush 127660 & 127663
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(Figure 3)
(Figure 3)