Campbell Scientific LoggerNet-SDK Software Development Kit User Manual

Page 58

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Section 11. Developing an Application Using the CsiDataSource Control


Private Sub DSource_onAdviseRecord(ByVal myAdvisor As Object, _
ByVal myRecord As Object)



Dim val As Value
Dim rec As Record

Set rec = myRecord

'Display the Advisor and record information to the user


WriteMessage "OnAdvise ready event occurred"
WriteMessage "Advisor Name: " & CurrentAdvisor.advisorName
WriteMessage "FileMarkNo. " & rec.fileMarkNo
WriteMessage "RecordNo. " & rec.recordNo
WriteMessage "TimeStamp. " & rec.TimeStamp

'Display the values for all columns in the record
For Each val In rec
WriteMessage val.columnName & ": " & val.Value

End Sub

The Advisor will continue displaying new records as they are received until the
stopAdvisor() method is called to stop the Advisor. The following code
illustrates the use of this method:

Private Sub cmdStopAdvisor_Click()

'Stop the Advisor.
WriteMessage "Advisor Stopped"

End Sub

Additional functionality, error handling, and objects should be added as
necessary beyond the example interface and code listed above to meet the
specific requirements of your application. Complete examples using the
CsiDataSource control are included in the LoggerNet SDK installation.