A.2 device standard statistics, A.2.1 communication enabled, A.2.2 average error rate – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet-SDK Software Development Kit User Manual

Page 168: A.2.3 total retries, A.2.4 total failures, A.2.5 total attempts

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Appendix A. Server and Device Operational Statistics Tables

Description: Records the total number of retires that the device experienced
during the ten-minute interval. This counter is incremented by one for every
“W” record that appears in the communication status log and is associated
with the device.

A.2 Device Standard Statistics

The name of the standard statistics table associated with a device is the result
of appending the string “_std” to the device name. The number of columns in
the table is variable depending on the device type although there are statistics
that are common to all device types.

A.2.1 Communication Enabled

Column Name: “Communication Enabled”
Column Definition Description: “Comm Enabled”
Type: Boolean
Applies To: All Device Types
Description: Relays whether communication is enabled for this device.

A.2.2 Average Error Rate

Column Name: “Avg Error Rate”
Column Definition Description: “Avg Err %”
Type: Float
Applies To: All Device Types
Description: A running average of the number of “W” or “F” messages that
are logged in the communication status log for the device versus the total
number of messages logged.

A.2.3 Total Retries

Column Name: “Total Retries”
Column Definition Description: “Total Retries”
Type: uint4
Applies To: All Device Types
Description: A running total of the number of communication retry events that
have been logged since the device was started or the statistic was last reset.

A.2.4 Total Failures

Column Name: “Total Failures”
Column Definition Description: “Total Failures”
Type: uint4
Applies To: All Device Types
Description: A running total of the number of communication failure events
that have been logged since the device was stared or the statistic was last reset.

A.2.5 Total Attempts

Column Name: “Total Attempts”
Column Definition Description: “Total Attempts”
Type: uint4
