Datalogger.programsendcancel(), Name, Description – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet-SDK Software Development Kit User Manual

Page 109: Com return values, Datalogger.programsendstart(), Parameters

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Section 17. CsiDatalogger Control Reference





This method attempts to cancel the programSendStart() method. The program
send process can be cancelled if it has not already begun. Otherwise, the
method will be ignored.

COM Return Values

Table of Possible Values

Code Meaning


Success: Normal return



Datalogger.programSendStart(String file_name, String



This method starts to transfer a file designated by file_name to the specified
datalogger. It also calls the events: onProgramSendProgress(),
onProgramSent(), and onProgramSendComplete(). This method should only
be called when the value of serverConnected, is TRUE. Otherwise, this
method will return E_CSI_NOT_CONNECTED.


file_name: The full path on the local machine designating the location of the
program that will be sent.

program_name: Designates the name of the program that will be sent to the
specified datalogger. If this setting is specified as an empty string, the name
will be derived from the file_name property when this method gets called.
This parameter string should have the following syntax:

program_name := [ device-name ":" ] file-name.

The device name optionally indicates the datalogger storage device on Crx000
dataloggers. If omitted for Crx000 dataloggers, the default device will be the
"CPU" device. The file name that follows should not have any path
specification but should merely be the name of the file. The server may
truncate the file name on Crx000 dataloggers in order to make it fit the file
system on those devices.
