Advisor.startrecordno, Name, Description – Campbell Scientific LoggerNet-SDK Software Development Kit User Manual

Page 140: Default value, Notes, Com return values, Advisor.startrecordnostring

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Section 18. CsiDataSource Control Reference



Advisor.startRecordNo As Long


This property, in conjunction with the property startFileMarkNo, specifies the
first record to be sent when the value of startOption is equal to
csidsStartAtRecordId. Any value can be assigned to this property.

Default Value

The default value for this property is 0.


This property can be read at any time but can only be set when the state of the
property is advisorStopped. Internally the control and the LoggerNet server
treat this property as an unsigned 32-bit integer. Visual Basic and other
container environments, however, do not have the capability of formatting and
properly manipulating unsigned integers. Developers in these environments
should consider using the startRecordNoString property instead.

COM Return Values

Table of Possible Values

Code Meaning


Success: Normal return.


Error: Cannot write to property. Advisor has already
started. Stop the advisor first.



Advisor.startRecordNoString As String


This property, in conjunction with startFileMarkNo, is used to specify the first
record to be sent when the value of startOption is equal to
csidsStartAtRecordId. This string should be formatted as an unsigned integer
with a range of 0 to 4294967295.

Default Value

The default value for this property is 0.


This property can be read at any time but can only be set when the state of the
property is advisorStopped.
