Setting fields – Vaisala WXT510 User Manual

Page 51

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Chapter 6 ____________________________________________________ Communication Settings

VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 49

Setting Fields



Device address



Device settings command in ASCII and NMEA 0183



Device settings command in SDI-12



Address: 0 (default) ... 9, A ... Z, a ... z



Communication protocol:
A = ASCII, automatic
a = ASCII, automatic with CRC
P = ASCII, polled
p = ASCII, polled, with CRC
N = NMEA 0183 v3.0, automatic
Q = NMEA 0183 v3.0, query (= polled)
S = SDI-12 v1.3
R = SDI-12 v1.3 continuous measurement



Test parameter (for testing use only)



Serial interface: 1 = SDI-12, 2 = RS-232, 3= RS-485,
4 = RS-422



Automatic repeat interval for Composite data
message:1 ... 3600 s, 0 = no automatic repeat



Baud rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200



Data bits: 7/8



Parity: O = Odd, E = Even, N = None



Stop bits: 1/2