Vaisala WXT510 User Manual
Page 46

User’s Guide ______________________________________________________________________
44 __________________________________________________________________ M210470EN-D
SDI-12 Native mode (M=S, C=1) has the lowest standby
consumption, about 0.07 mA. Note that it can also be used with
RS-232 terminals (PC or equivalent), see the SDI-12 connection
diagram in
Figure 19 on page 41
. In this case the commands must
be in SDI-12 format, but no special line break signals are required.
The SDI-12 mode is for polling only.
SDI-12 Continuous mode (M=R) consumes about the same as the
ASCII RS-232 mode.
If Heating function is enabled, SDI-12 Native mode consumes the
same as ASCII RS-232 mode.
When heating is on (or temperature is such it should be on), some
0.15 mA extra current is drawn from the operational power supply.
While in Service mode and/or while supplied through the Service port
the WXT510 consumes 0.5 ... 1 mA more than in normal mode,
supplied through the Main port (M12 connector or screw terminals).
When supplied through the Service port the minimum voltage level for
reliable operation is 6V. This can also be seen in the supply voltage
reading of the Supervisor message - the Vs value is 1V lower than the
actual input voltage.