DAVIS Vantage Pro ISS Retrofit Kit for Fan-Aspirated Station User Manual
Components, Tools for setup, Installation outline

Product # 6921, 6921C
F a n - A s p i r a t e d I S S R e t r o f i t K i t
I n s t a l l a t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n s
E s t i m a t e d Ti m e R e q u i r e d : 6 0 M i n u t e s
These instructions describe how to install the Vantage Pro
Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) Retrofit Kit.
This retrofit kit applies to all cabled and wireless versions of the fan-aspirated
The Fan-Aspirated ISS Retrofit Kit includes the following components:
• Externally-mounted SIM with housing
• Temperature/Humidity sensor module
• Rain Collector cable extension
• New SIM Power cable
• Splice kit to attach extension cables
• Mounting hardware for new SIM housing
Tools for Setup
In addition to the kit, you will need the following tools:
• Small Phillips-head screwdriver
• Pliers or other crimping tool
• Other hand tools depending on your installation
Tip: If your Wireless Fan-Aspirated ISS has been in service for over a year, this would
be a good opportunity to replace the C-cell batteries used by the fan.
Installation Outline
Early version of the fan-aspirated ISS mounted the sensor interface module
internally inside the radiation shield. Newer versions of the fan-aspirated ISS
mount the SIM module in an external housing. The installation procedure for
the two different versions are outlined separately below.
Please work on your Vantage Pro ISS in a safe place. We strongly recommend
that you remove the ISS from its installed position before beginning these steps.
ISS2 SPARS RetroKit D011.fm Page 1 Wednesday, April 23, 2003 11:26 AM
Document Outline
- Fan-Aspirated ISS Retrofit Kit
- These instructions describe how to install the Vantage Pro® Fan-Aspirated Integrated Sensor Suite...
- Components
- Tools for Setup
- Installation Outline
- CAUTION: Please work on your Vantage Pro ISS in a safe place. We strongly recommend that you remo...
- ISS With Internally Mounted SIM
- These are the procedures required to install the Fan-Aspirated ISS Retrofit Kit on an ISS that ha...
- 1. Remove the ISS from its installed position.
- 2. Disconnect all cables from the old Sensor Interface Module (SIM) and remove the SIM from the r...
- 3. Mount the new Temp/Hum module.
- 4. Re-assemble the radiation shield.
- 5. Locate and cut the rain collector cable.
- 6. Splice on the rain collector cable extension.
- 7. Connect sensor cables to the new SIM.
- 8. Power the SIM.
- 9. Decommission the Old SIM (Wireless models only).
- 10. Test Communication between the ISS and the console.
- 11. Mount the ISS and the SIM Housing.
- 12. Return the old SIM to Davis.
- These are the procedures required to install the Fan-Aspirated ISS Retrofit Kit on an ISS that ha...
- ISS With Externally Mounted SIM
- These are the procedures required to install the Fan-Aspirated ISS Retrofit Kit in an ISS that ha...
- 1. Remove the ISS from its installed position.
- 2. Open the radiation shield.
- 3. Mount the new Temp/Hum module.
- 4. Re-assemble the radiation shield.
- 5. Disconnect all cables from the old SIM.
- 6. Connect sensor cables to the new SIM.
- 7. Power the SIM.
- 8. Decommission the Old SIM (Wireless models only).
- 9. Test Communication between the ISS and the console.
- 10. Mount the ISS and the SIM Housing.
- 11. Return the old SIM to Davis.
- Use these procedures to install the retrofit kit on an ISS that has the SIM mounted inside the ra...
- These are the procedures required to install the Fan-Aspirated ISS Retrofit Kit in an ISS that ha...
- Procedure 1. Remove the ISS from its Installed Position.
- In order to take down your ISS you will first need to disconnect the anemometer cable. If you hav...
- CAUTION: Please work on your Vantage Pro ISS in a safe place.
- 1. At your Vantage Pro console, press and hold the DONE key and then press the “-” (down arrow) k...
- 2. If you have mounted the anemometer remotely from the ISS or if you have a cabled ISS you will ...
- 3. Locate the SIM inside the upper section of the radiation shield.
- 4. Disconnect the WIND sensor (anemometer) cable.
- 5. If you have a cabled station, you will also need to disconnect the Console cable from the SIM.
- 6. You can now remove the ISS from its mounted position. Move it to a safe place to install the k...
- CAUTION: Please work on your Vantage Pro ISS in a safe place.
- In order to take down your ISS you will first need to disconnect the anemometer cable. If you hav...
- Procedure 2. Disconnect all cables from the SIM and remove the SIM.
- Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield SIM Cable Connections
- Junction Board Connections
- Fan Installation
- 2. Remove the old Temp/Hum module from the radiation shield and unplug it from the junction board.
- 3. Install the new Temp/Hum module, being sure to set the sensor cable in the cable channel in th...
- 4. Reinstall the fan and fan deflector.
- 5. The new SIM power cable has a brown terminal at one end and a white terminal at the other end....
- Installing the Temp/Hum Sensor
- Procedure 4. Re-assemble the radiation shield.
- 1. Line up the threaded rods on the upper section of the radiation shield with the mounting holes...
- 2. Slide the two sections partially together, leaving enough clearance so you have access to the ...
- 3. Check the Junction Board connections: fan motor, SIM power and Solar (SOL) power (wireless mod...
- 4. Install the Junction Board cover as shown above. The cover installs easily by pressing it into...
- 5. Slide the two sections of the Radiation Shield completely together.
- 6. Fasten the two sections together using the 3 flat washers, lock washers, and wing nuts. The wi...
- Procedure 5. Locate and cut the rain collector cable.
- Procedure 6. Splice on the rain collector cable extension.
- Procedure 4. Re-assemble the radiation shield.
- Strip Shielding
- Providing
- Strain
- Relief
- 4. Use pliers to snap the cap into place, securing the wires.
- 5. Repeat this procedure for each pair of wires to be spliced.
- 6. Use a cable tie to secure the two cables together as shown.
- 7. Gather the wires and splice connectors neatly together and secure with a cable tie in a protec...
- Procedure 7. Connect Sensor Cables to the New SIM.
- The ISS sensors are connected by cables to the Sensor Interface Module (SIM), located inside the ...
- 1. Take one of the square rubber grommets from the bottom of the SIM housing and run the cables f...
- 2. Wireless ISS: Run the SIM Power cable through this first grommet.
- 3. Take the second square rubber grommet and run the Rain Collector, Anemometer, and Temp/Hum sen...
- 4. Cabled ISS: run the console cable through this second grommet.
- 5. Install the first grommet in the left slot in the SIM housing, and install the second grommet ...
- 6. Refer to the ISS SIM Connections illustration and connect only the sensor cables as shown. You...
- The ISS sensors are connected by cables to the Sensor Interface Module (SIM), located inside the ...
- Procedure 8. Power the SIM.
- DavisTalk Transmitter ID DIP Switch Settings
- 1. Install the new battery in the SIM. The green test LED should blink once on power up.
- 2. Check that the DavisTalk transmitter DIP switches on the new transmitter board match those on ...
- 3. Connect the SIM power cable.
- Procedure 9. Decommission the old SIM (Wireless ISS only)
- Procedure 10. Test Communication
- Procedure 11. Mount the ISS and SIM Housing
- Refer to the following illustrations and refer to this section in your ISS Installation Manual to...
- 1. To prevent erroneous rain counts by your rain collector, put the console into Setup Mode befor...
- 2. Install the ISS in it’s former location.
- 3. Install the SIM housing adjacent to the ISS as shown in the illustrations.
- 4. When you have finished mounting the ISS, exit Setup Mode on the console by pressing and holdin...
- 5. Return the old transmitter board to Davis Instruments in the new board’s shipping box. Use the...
- 6. (Wireless Models only) Please be sure the battery has been removed from the old board before s...
- Refer to the following illustrations and refer to this section in your ISS Installation Manual to...
- Procedure 12. Return the Old SIM to Davis
- Procedure 1. Remove the ISS and SIM Housing from their Installed Position.
- You need to move the ISS to a safe place where you can disassemble the radiation shield and repla...
- CAUTION: Please work on your Vantage Pro ISS in a safe place.
- 1. At your Vantage Pro console, press and hold the DONE key and then press the “-” (down arrow) k...
- 2. Open the SIM housing and unplug the anemometer sensor cable, labeled WIND.
- 3. If you have a cabled station, unplug the console cable from the SIM.
- 4. Remove the ISS and the SIM housing. Move them to a safe work area.
- CAUTION: Please work on your Vantage Pro ISS in a safe place.
- You need to move the ISS to a safe place where you can disassemble the radiation shield and repla...
- Procedure 2. Open the Radiation Shield
- Removing the Rain Collector Base
- Removing the Mounting Bracket
- Fan Installation
- Installing the Temp/Hum Module
- 3. Reinstall the fan making sure the sensor cable is set into the cable channel.
- Procedure 4. Re-assemble the Radiation Shield
- Refer to the disassembly drawings shown in Step 2 to re-assemble the Radiation Shield.
- 1. Make sure the Temp/Hum sensor cable runs through the cable channel molded into the fan plate.
- 2. Install the Junction Board Cover as shown in the illustration. The Junction Board Cover should...
- 3. Place the two radiation shield plates on top of the fan plate, open plate first with the close...
- 4. Gently place the mounting bracket on top of the radiation shield, being careful to line up the...
- 5. Hold the mounting bracket in place with one hand while you start the three (3) long screws.
- 6. Place the rain collector base on top of the mounting bracket and fasten using three screws. Do...
- 7. Install the rain collector cone on the base, making sure that nothing inside the cone interfer...
- Refer to the disassembly drawings shown in Step 2 to re-assemble the Radiation Shield.
- Procedure 5. Disconnect all Cables from the Old SIM.
- Procedure 6. Connect Sensor Cables to the New SIM.
- The ISS sensors are connected by cables to the Sensor Interface Module (SIM), located inside the ...
- 1. Take one of the square rubber grommets from the bottom of the SIM housing and run the cables f...
- 2. Wireless ISS: Run the SIM Power cable through this first grommet.
- 3. Take the second square rubber grommet and run the Rain Collector, Anemometer, and Temp/Hum sen...
- 4. Cabled ISS: run the console cable through this second grommet.
- 5. Install the first grommet in the left slot in the SIM housing, and install the second grommet ...
- 6. Refer to the ISS SIM Connections illustration and connect only the sensor cables as shown. You...
- The ISS sensors are connected by cables to the Sensor Interface Module (SIM), located inside the ...
- Procedure 7. Power the SIM
- DavisTalk Transmitter ID DIP Switch Settings
- 1. Install the new battery in the SIM. The green test LED should blink once on power up.
- 2. Check that the DavisTalk transmitter DIP switches on the new transmitter board match those on ...
- 3. Connect the SIM power cable.
- Procedure 8. Decommission the Old SIM (Wireless ISS only)
- Procedure 9. Test Communication between the ISS and the console
- Procedure 10. Mount the ISS and SIM Housing
- Refer to the following illustrations and refer to this section in your ISS Installation Manual to...
- 1. To prevent erroneous rain counts by your rain collector, put the console into Setup Mode befor...
- 2. Install the ISS in it’s former location.
- 3. Install the SIM housing adjacent to the ISS as shown in the illustrations.
- 4. When you have finished mounting the ISS, exit Setup Mode on the console by pressing and holdin...
- 5. Return the old transmitter board to Davis Instruments in the new board’s shipping box. Use the...
- 6. (Wireless Models only) Please be sure the battery has been removed from the old board before s...
- Refer to the following illustrations and refer to this section in your ISS Installation Manual to...
- Procedure 11. Return the Old SIM to Davis
- Troubleshooting