Setting the video engine rate, New video engine rate indicator, Selecting the main video track – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

Page 98: See “new

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What’s New in Pro Tools HD 7.0


Setting the Video Engine Rate

The video engine rate represents the number of
video frames output by Pro Tools per second,
and is determined automatically by the frame
rate of the first video file added to a session.
Video files subsequently added to the session
must have the same video frame rate as the
video engine rate.

The video frame rate is displayed for each video
file in the DigiBase browsers, and the current
video engine rate is displayed in the I/O view of
the main video track.

The video engine rate is independent of the ses-
sion's time code rate, which determines the
number of frames displayed per second in grids,
rulers, and counters. You can set the session
time code rate manually with the Time Code
Rate pop-up menu in the Session Setup window.
In order for the grids and rulers to align with the
actual frames of the video files in the Timeline,
the session's Time Code Rate setting should be
set to match the video engine rate (the frame
rate of the first video clip added).

New Video Engine Rate Indicator

The Video Engine Rate indicator displays only
in the main video track (whether it is online or
offline) and shows the video engine rate.

The Video Engine Rate indicator is normally
black, but turns red if one of the following con-
ditions are present:

• The video engine rate does not match the

session’s current Time Code Rate setting.

– or –

• A pull-up has been applied to the video,

causing the video engine rate to differ from
the session Time Code Rate.

Selecting the Main Video

The main video track is the video track that is
currently online, and will be played back with
any audio in the session. Only one video track at
a time can be online in the same session.

When the main video track is offline, you can
play back the audio in your session without
playing back the video. When the video is of-
fline, the Video Online button changes to grey
so you can tell at a glance whether your video is
offline or simply playing black fill.

If no video track is currently online, the main
video track is the video track that was last on-

See “New Video Engine Rate Indicator” on
page 92 for information on the Video En-
gine Rate indicator in the I/O view.

See the Pro Tools Reference Guide for de-
tailed information on changing the Time
Code Rate setting.

Video Engine Rate
