Importing audio, midi, video, and region groups, Importing audio files and regions – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

Page 27

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Chapter 2: System Configuration, Session and Navigation Enhancements


• Allow Track Arm Commands in Local

Mode: Sets Pro Tools to respond to incom-
ing track arming (record enable) com-
mands even when the system is not in
Remote Mode. This is useful if you are us-
ing a paddle device to control Pro Tools
track arming or punching.

• Punch In Frame Offset

• Punch Out Frame Offset

• Delay After Play Command

Synchronization Section

• Stable LTC Source: When selected, this op-

tion suppresses the normal 1-second wait
time before Pro Tools attempts to lock to
incoming LTC. Enable this option when
locking Pro Tools to a stable time code
source (such as an LTC generator). Disable
this option when locking to tape machines.

Importing Audio, MIDI, Video,
and Region Groups

In Pro Tools 7.2, the process of importing audio
files, MIDI files, video files, and Region Groups
has been streamlined with new Import Options

Importing Audio Files and Regions

To import audio files or regions into a session
using the Pro Tools File menu:


Choose File > Import > Audio.


In the Import Audio dialog, select an audio file

to display its properties and associated regions.


To audition a selected file or region before you

import it, click the Play and Stop buttons in the
Import Audio dialog.


Do any of the following:

• To place a file or region in the Import list,

select the file and click Add or Convert.

• To import all files and regions in the cur-

rent directory, click Add All or Convert All.

• To remove a file or region from the Import

list, select it and click Remove.

• To remove all files and regions, click Re-

move All.


When you have added all audio files and re-

gions to the Import list, click Done.


If you are copying or converting files, choose

a location for the new files. Choose a folder on a
valid audio drive, such as the Audio Files folder
for the current session.


In the Audio Import Options dialog, choose

where the imported files will go in the session:

New Track

Creates a new track where the file or

region will be imported.

Region List

Imports the file or region into the

Region List, where it will be available to place
into tracks.

For information on importing video, see
“New Options for Importing Video” on
page 93.

Audio Import Options dialog