New automation capture feature, Capturing automation values, Punching captured automation values – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual
Page 83

Chapter 6: Automation Features and Enhancements
After punching preview values
The “Write Auto-
mation To” commands (except Write to Next
Breakpoint) can be used to extend the punched
value in the same manner as other automation.
New Automation Capture
In Pro Tools 7.2, you can capture current auto-
mation values as a snapshot at one location in a
session and quickly apply them in another loca-
tion with the Capture and Punch Capture com-
mands. The Capture command temporarily
stores the value of all controls currently writing
automation, and the Punch Capture command
writes those stored values to all enabled automa-
tion types.
ICON Systems allow for the storage and recall
of up to 48 different snapshots.
All other systems allow for the capture of one
snapshot at a time.
Capturing Automation Values
You can capture the current automation values
of actively writing controls.
To capture automation values:
Make sure all tracks whose automation values
you want to capture are in a write-enabled state
(Write, Touch, Latch, Touch/Latch or Latch).
Make sure the automation types you want to
capture are enabled in the Automation window
(Volume, Pan, Mute, Send level, Send pan, Send
mute, or Plug-in).
Start playback, and if necessary, touch a write-
enabled control to start writing automation.
The Capture button lights with blue text to in-
dicate that a capture is possible.
When the currently writing controls reach a
value you want to capture, click the Capture
button in the Automation window.
The Punch Capture button in the Automation
window lights to indicate a captured value is
available to punch.
Punching Captured Automation
After automation values are captured, they can
be punched (written) to another location in the
track. Any tracks set to Read or Off are unaf-
If you punch during playback, the automa-
tion mode of any track set to Touch is set to
Latch and writing begins at the captured value.
If you punch while the transport is stopped,
the automation mode of any track set to Touch
is set to Latch and the control is primed at the
captured value.
To punch captured automation values:
Move to a location where you want to apply
the captured automation values. You can do this
during playback or while the transport is
Click the Punch Capture button in the Auto-
mation window to apply the captured automa-
tion states. The captured states are applied to all
automation types that are currently enabled in
the Automation window.
Capture controls in the Automation window