Importing monophonic audio files, Importing polyphonic audio files, Region list enhancements for multichannel metadata – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

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Chapter 4: Editing Features and Enhancements


Importing Multichannel Audio
Files from a Field Recorder

Pro Tools 7.2 lets you use any of the import
methods to import monophonic and poly-
phonic audio files recorded by a field recorder.
When you import these types of files, they must
be converted to an audio format compatible
with Pro Tools.

Importing Monophonic Audio Files

A monophonic audio file contains one mono
channel and relevant metadata from a single
multichannel recording.

When you import monophonic audio files that
were recorded simultaneously, they are con-
verted to multichannel regions and displayed
together in the Region List. Any metadata is also
imported with the files.

Importing Polyphonic Audio Files

A polyphonic audio file contains multiple mono
channels and relevant metadata recorded simul-
taneously in a multichannel recording.

When imported into Pro Tools, a polyphonic
audio file is divided into individual monopho-
nic audio files written to disk—one file for each
channel. Regions for each channel appear in the
playlist, and a multichannel region appears in
the Region List with the channels expandable
underneath. Any metadata is also imported
with the files.

Region List Enhancements for
Multichannel Metadata

In Pro Tools 7.2, the Region List has been en-
hanced to display the following metadata in
multichannel region headers, as follows:

• The header and collapsed channel items in

the Region List now display Scene and Take,
and Channel Name metadata.

• With multichannel regions, the number of

channels in a region displays in the multi-
channel header. For example, a multichannel
region called “Argument Scene” with eight
channels would display as, “Argument
Scene (8A Channels).”

Replacing a Region with an
Alternate Channel from a
Multichannel Recording

In the Timeline, you can replace a mono region
(or selected portion of a mono region) with a
matching segment of an alternate channel that
was recorded simultaneously. Any fades per-
formed on the original region are automatically
recalculated against the replacement region,
and any pre-existing automation on that track is

For more information on importing files
from a field recorder, refer to the Field
Recorder Workflow Guide.

Multichannel regions organized in the Region List