Audio files switch, Show/hide switch, Displaying vca master tracks – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual
Page 128

What’s New in Pro Tools HD 7.2
PlgAut (Plug-in Controls Default to Auto-Enabled)
Toggles the preference that enables plug-in con-
trols automatically when they are added to a
AutCls (Coalesce when Removing Slaves from
VCA Group)
Toggles the preference that auto-
matically coalesces automation to slave track
when they are removed from a VCA-controlled
TmCols (Coalesce Trim Automation)
Sets the
preference that determines when Trim automa-
tion is coalesced (After Every Pass, On Exiting
Trim Mode, or Manually)
Prefs Switch (Page 2)
MmtTch (Latching Behavior for Switched Controls
in Touch)
Toggles the preference that deter-
mines the behavior of switched controls in
Touch mode
StdVCA (Standard VCA Logic for Group At-
Toggles the preference that disables
normal group linking behavior when a VCA is
assigned to a group
WrtWrn (Suppress Automation “Write To” Warn-
Toggles the preference that suppresses dia-
logs after invoking the Write To Start/End/All
PanLnk (Use Absolute Pan Linking)
Toggles the
preference that determines the behavior of pan
controls in grouped tracks
SndTrm (Include Sends in Trim Mode)
the preferences that determines whether Send
Faders go into Trim mode along with Main Vol-
Audio Files Switch
The Audio Files switch now displays the follow-
ing commands for importing and exporting
data into Pro Tools:
Audio Files Switch (Page 1)
• Import Audio: File > Import > Audio
• Import MIDI: File > Import > MIDI
• Import SesDat: File > Import > Session Data
• Import RgnGrp: File > Import > Region Group
• Import Video: File > Import > Video
Audio Files Switch (Page 2)
• Export Region: Region List Menu > Export Re-
gions as Files
• Export MIDI: File > Export > MIDI
• Export OMFAAF: File > Export > Selected Track
• Export Text: File > Export Session Info As Text
Show/Hide Switch
The Show/Hide switch now displays the follow-
ing commands for showing and hiding VCA
Master tracks:
Show/Hide Switch (Page 3)
• Show VCA: Show Only VCA Master Tracks
• Hide VCA: Hide Only VCA Master Tracks
Displaying VCA Master Tracks
(ProControl, Control|24, Command|8® Only)
On non-ICON control surfaces, you can bring
all VCA Master tracks onto the surface by press-
ing the Masters Faders switch twice. The first
press displays any Master Faders in the session,
and the second press displays any VCA Masters
tracks in the session.