Machinecontrol enhancements – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual
Page 42

What’s New in Pro Tools HD 7.2
Support for External Synchronizer
Track Name Display
When MachineControl is being used to control
Pro Tools via Remote mode, a supported syn-
chronizer polls track names in the Timeline and
display them in the synchronizer track display.
New Edit Preview Mode for
MachineControl Track Arming
In Pro Tools 7.2, before laying back audio to an
external device, you can rehearse the layback us-
ing Edit Preview (Rehearse) mode. In Edit Pre-
view mode, instead of performing an edit insert
(recording) on the external device’s armed
tracks, the device switch to input monitoring
without recording.
While in Edit Preview mode, the Transport
Record button flashes yellow when armed and
lights solid yellow when rehearsing. Armed
tracks are indicated by yellow track buttons in
the Track Arming window.
To rehearse a layback:
In Pro Tools, select the audio you want to re-
hearse for layback, or place the playback cursor
at a start point.
Choose Window > Machine Track Arming
In the Track Arming window, select Edit Pre-
In the Track Arming window, arm the tracks
you want to rehearse by clicking the corre-
sponding buttons. The buttons light yellow to
indicate armed status.
In the Pro Tools Transport window, select
Transport > Machine.
In the Pro Tools Transport window, click the
Online button to put Pro Tools online.
In the Pro Tools Transport window, click
Record. The button flashes yellow to indicate
Edit Preview (Rehearse) mode.
In the Pro Tools Transport window, click Play.
The machine will cue to the selection start or in-
sert point and being to play back. Pro Tools will
then sync to the deck, and the deck will record
as determined by the settings for Record Proto-
col and Record mode in the Track Arming win-
Armed tracks in Edit Preview mode
Armed Transport Record in Edit Preview mode