Send levels and trim mode, Writing trim automation – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

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Chapter 6: Automation Features and Enhancements


Read Trim

In Read Trim mode, Volume and Send level
Trim faders are disengaged from the main auto-
mation playlist and follow any existing Trim au-
tomation. You can move a Trim fader during
playback to audition new trim moves, but no
automation is written. When the Trim fader is
released, it returns to any previously written
Trim automation values.

If a track does not contain Trim automation,
you can move a Trim fader during playback to
audition new trim values, but no automation is
written. The Trim fader retains its position until
the track is removed from Trim mode, or if you
manually coalesce the Trim level.

Touch Trim

In Touch Trim mode, Volume and Send level
Trim faders are disengaged from the main auto-
mation playlist and follow any existing Trim au-
tomation. When a Trim fader is touched, writ-
ing of Trim automation begins. When the fader
is released, writing stops and the fader returns to
any previously written Trim automation values.

Latch Trim

In Latch Trim mode, Volume and Send level
Trim faders are disengaged from the main auto-
mation playlist and follow any existing Trim au-
tomation. When a Trim fader is touched, writ-
ing of Trim automation begins. Writing of Trim
automation continues until playback stops, or
until you punch out of writing automation.

Touch/Latch Trim

In Touch/Latch Trim mode, Volume and Send
level faders are disengaged from the main auto-
mation playlist and follow any existing Trim au-
tomation. The main Volume Trim fader follows
Touch Trim behavior, and Send level Trim fad-
ers follow Latch Trim behavior.

Write Trim

In Write Trim mode, as soon as playback begins,
writing of Trim automation begins for Volume
and Send levels, and continues until playback
stops, or until you punch out of writing automa-

Send Levels and Trim Mode

You can set Pro Tools to exclude Send levels
from Trim mode, so that only the Main Volume
goes into Trim when a track is put into Trim
mode. This gives you more flexibility in setting
Send levels while in Trim mode.

To exclude Send levels from Automation Trim


Choose Setup > Preferences and click Mixing.


Under Automation, deselect Include Sends in

Trim Mode.

Writing Trim Automation

The writing of Trim automation depends on
how it is set to be coalesced. See “Coalescing
Trim Automation” on page 70. If automation is
not set to coalesce after every automation pass,
Trim automation moves are written to a sepa-
rate Trim playlist.

The “After Write Pass, Switch To” prefer-
ence affects Write Trim mode. After an au-
tomation pass in Write Trim mode, tracks
automatically switch to the Trim mode ver-
sion of the setting specified by this prefer-

Any uncoalesced automation on a Send will
still coalesce when the other automation on
its track is coalesced, even if “Include Sends
in Trim Mode” is deselected.