Importing region groups – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

Page 29

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Chapter 2: System Configuration, Session and Navigation Enhancements


Importing Region Groups

To import a region group using the Pro Tools File


Choose File > Import > Region Groups and se-

lect the region group you want to import.


In the Region Group Import Options dialog,

choose where the region group will go:

New Track

Creates a new track where the region

group will be imported.

Region List

Imports the region group into the

Region List, where it will be where it will be
available to place into tracks.


If you chose to create a new track, choose a lo-

cation for the imported group in the track:

Session Start

Places the group at the start of the


Song Start

Aligns the beginning of the group to

the Song Start point.


Aligns the beginning of the group to

the edit cursor or to the beginning of a selection
in the timeline.


Displays the Spot dialog, which lets you

spot the group to a precise location based on
any of the Time Scales.


Select any of the following import options:

Import Tempo Map from Region Group File


selected, replaces the session tempo map with
the tempo map of the region group. This option
is only available when importing the region
group to the Session Start.


Click OK.

Sharing Pro Tools HD 7.2
Sessions with Previous
Versions of Pro Tools HD

Opening Pro Tools HD 7.2 Sessions with
Pro Tools 7.x

A Pro Tools HD 7.2 session can be opened with
some earlier versions of Pro Tools HD 7.x, but
certain session components will open differ-
ently or not at all.

When opening a Pro Tools HD 7.2 session with
Pro Tools HD 7.x, the following will occur:


• VCA Master tracks will be removed and any

uncoalesced VCA automation will be

• Any uncoalesced Trim automation will be


Region Group Import Options dialog

To open Pro Tools HD 7.2 sessions with a
previous version of Pro Tools HD 7.x, you
need Pro Tools HD version 7.1cs3 or later.