Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual
Page 112

What’s New in Pro Tools HD 7.0
To bounce video and audio in the video track to a
QuickTime movie:
Finalize your mix.
Make sure the video track you want to bounce
is currently the main video track. (The track’s
Video Online button must be highlighted blue.)
Make sure that all of the audio tracks you want
to include in the bounce are audible (not muted
or inactive).
Assign the output of each of the tracks you
want to include in your bounce to the same ste-
reo output or bus path.
Do one of the following:
• To bounce the entire session, click Return
to Zero in the Transport window to go to
the beginning of the session.
– or –
• To bounce a portion of the session, enable
Options > Link Timeline and Edit Selec-
tion, and make a selection in the Edit win-
Choose File > Bounce to > QuickTime Movie.
The Bounce dialog appears (if you are bouncing
QuickTime movies) or the Bounce to QuickTime
dialog appears (if you are bouncing Avid video
to QuickTime movies).
Select your mix’s output or bus path from the
Bounce Source selector.
If you are bouncing Avid to QuickTime and
you want to configure QuickTime video set-
tings, click Options.
Configure other settings as appropriate.
Click Bounce.
Select a destination for the new QuickTime
movie, enter a new name, and click Save.
Bouncing video may take quite a bit longer than
real-time, depending on the format of the
source video, the format of the bounced video,
and processing speed.
Sharing a Pro Tools 7.2
Session with a Previous
Version of Pro Tools
When you open a Pro Tools 7.2 session with
Pro Tools 7.1—or save a Pro Tools 7.2 session to
be compatible with Pro Tools 6.9—some com-
ponents of the session may open differently or
not open at all, as follows:
• Only the main video track is displayed.
• Only the first QuickTime movie in the session
will be displayed or play back.
• If the session contains QuickTime movies in
the Region List but no video track, the session
opens with a new QuickTime Movie track
containing the first QuickTime movie from
the Region List.
• The Timeline displays and plays back only the
video playlist that was last active. Alternate
video playlists will not be available.
• Video regions and video region groups will
not be shown or saved.
Pro Tools is qualified to bounce to Quick-
Time DV25. Bouncing to other formats
may work but has not been tested.
See Apple documentation for detailed infor-
mation on configuring QuickTime movie