Automation features and enhancements, Automation data displayed in real time, New automation indicator behavior – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

Page 69: Chapter 6. automation features and enhancements, Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Automation Features and Enhancements


chapter 6

Automation Features and Enhancements

Automation Data Displayed in
Real Time

In Pro Tools 7.2, when automation is being writ-
ten and the corresponding automation playlist
is displayed in the Edit window, the automation
data is displayed in real time.

In all automation modes, automation moves are
shown as a red line in the corresponding auto-
mation playlist while the transport is moving.

New Automation Indicator

In Pro Tools 7.2, the way Pro Tools indicates en-
abling of automation and writing of automation
has changed.

On-screen indicators now light solid with nor-
mal text to denote automation-enabled status
and light with bold text to indicate writing of

On control surfaces, channel and Automation
Enable indicators now light solid to denote au-
tomation-enabled status and flash to indicate
writing of automation. See “Automation Mode
Indication” on page 112.

Display of Volume automation writing in real time

Previous versions of Pro Tools used the op-
posite scheme: indicators flashed to indicate
automation enabled status, and lit solid to
indicate writing of automation.

Because Write mode and Latch Prime mode
write automation as soon as playback be-
gins, they are always indicated as actively
writing (bold text on-screen and flashing in-
dicators on control surfaces), even before
playback begins.