Automation controls, Modes switch, Prefs switch – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual
Page 127

Chapter 10: Control Surface Features
Operation Switch (Page 5)
SplFcs (Focus VCA Master When Spilled)
a VCA Master track to be focused in the Focus
Channel Strip when its slave tracks are “spilled,”
or displayed in Custom Faders by pressing the
Bypass/Mute switch on the VCA Master.
FilBnk (Always Fill Channel Strips When Banking)
Toggles the preference setting that maximizes
the number of channels displayed in Normal
mode when banking. When selected, banking
follows end stop behavior.
FillCF (Always Fill Custom Faders When Banking)
Toggles the preference setting that maximizes
the number of channels displayed in Custom
Faders when banking. When selected, banking
follows end stop behavior.
New Setting for Touch/Val Preference
TchVal (Touch Display of Parameter Values
This Operation preference can
now turn off the display of volume values for
faders and keep the parameter display for encod-
ers with the “NoVol” setting.
Automation Controls
Actions Switch
The Actions switch displays the following new
Actions Switch (Page 1)
Prview (Preview)
Puts Pro Tools in Preview mode
Punch Prview (Punch Preview)
Executes the
Punch Preview command
Prview Suspnd (Preview Suspend)
Suspends Pre-
view mode
Captre (Capture)
Executes the Capture com-
Punch Captre (Punch Capture)
Executes the
Punch Capture command
Actions Switch (Page 2)
Wrt To Punch (Write To Punch Point)
Writes cur-
rent automation values back to the point where
writing of automation began
Actions Switch (Page 4)
Colesc VCAAtm (Coalesce VCA Automation)
ecutes the Track > Coalesce VCA Master Auto-
mation command
Colesc TrmAtm (Coalesce Trim Automation)
cutes the Track > Coalesce Trim Automation
Clear TrmAtm (Clear Trim Automation)
the Track > Clear Trim Automation Command
Suspnd TrmAtm (Suspend Trim Automation)
Temporarily suspends Trim automation to allow
auditioning of Trim moves
Modes Switch
The Modes switch displays the following new
AWrtTo Punch (Auto Write to Punch Point on
Writes current automation values back to
where automation pass began
Prefs Switch
The Prefs switch displays these new preferences:
Prefs Switch (Page 1)
LchStp (Allow Latch Prime in Stop)
Toggles the
Allow Latch Prime in Stop preference, which al-
lows tracks in Latch mode to be primed for writ-
ing automation while the transport is stopped