Clearing trim automation, Suspending trim automation – Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

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Chapter 6: Automation Features and Enhancements


To coalesce Trim automation on a track when
exiting Trim mode:


Choose Setup > Preferences and click Mixing.


Under Coalesce Trim Automation, select On

Exiting Trim Mode.


Click OK to close the Preferences window.


Make sure the Pro Tools transport is stopped.


On the track where you want to coalesce Trim

automation, click the Automation Mode selec-
tor and deselect Trim.

The Trim automation is applied to the main au-
tomation playlist, Trim automation playlists are
cleared, and Trim faders are returned to zero.

To manually coalesce Trim automation on a track:


Select the track where you want to coalesce

the Trim automation.


Do one of the following:

• Choose Track > Coalesce Trim Automation.

– or –

• Right-click the track name and choose Co-

alesce Trim Automation from the pop-up

The Trim automation is applied to the main au-
tomation playlist, Trim automation playlists are
cleared, and Trim faders are returned to zero.

Clearing Trim Automation

If Trim automation has not been coalesced on a
track, you can clear it. When you clear Trim au-
tomation, automation breakpoints on all Trim
playlists are deleted and all Trim faders are reset
to zero.

To clear Trim automation:


Select the track where you want to clear the

Trim automation.


Do one of the following:

• Choose Track > Clear Trim Automation.

– or –

• Right-click the track name and choose

Clear Trim Automation from the pop-up

Suspending Trim Automation

If Trim automation has not been coalesced on a
track, you can temporarily suspend playback of
Trim automation in order to compare the effect
of Trim moves with the original, unmodified au-
tomation during playback. When you suspend
Trim automation, any Trim automation data is
ignored and Trim faders are temporarily set to

To suspend all Trim automation on all tracks:

In the Automation window, Command-click

(Mac) or Control-click (Windows) the Suspend

If transport is playing and you are writing
automation, you cannot directly enter or
exit Trim mode. You must AutoMatch be-
fore exiting Trim mode. This prevents any
abrupt jumps in automation values.

Suspending Trim automation