Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual
Page 23

Chapter 2: System Configuration, Session and Navigation Enhancements
• Send Pans Default to Follow Main Pan: When
selected, newly created sends have Follow
Main Pan turned on, so the Send Pan controls
follow the pan controls of the track. When
not selected, newly created sends have Follow
Main Pan turned off.
• Link Mix and Edit Group Enables
• Use Absolute Pan Linking: This option affects
behavior of grouped pan controls.
• When selected, grouped pan controls do
not maintain relative offsets when any of
the grouped pan controls is adjusted. All
grouped pan controls snap to the absolute
value of the adjusted control.
• When not selected, grouped pan controls
maintain relative offsets when any of the
linked controls is adjusted.
• Default EQ: Lets you choose any installed EQ
plug-in as the default, which makes it avail-
able for quick assignment, both on-screen and
on ICON work surfaces. On-screen, the plug-
in appears at the top of the Insert selector
pop-up menu. On ICON work surfaces, the
plug-in appears first in the list of menu
choices on the rotary encoders.
• Default Dynamics: Lets you choose any in-
stalled Dynamics plug-in as the default,
which makes it available for quick assign-
ment, both on-screen and on ICON work sur-
faces. On-screen, the plug-in appears at the
top of the Insert selector pop-up menu. On
ICON work surfaces, the plug-in appears first
in the list of menu choices on the rotary en-
Controllers Section
• Edit Window Follows Bank Selection
• Mix Window Follows Bank Selection
• “Scroll to Track” Banks Controllers
• Always Fill Channel Strips When Banking:
If you are using an ICON worksurface, you
can select this option to maximize the
number of channels displayed when bank-
ing. This setting optimizes the Bank com-
mands to prevent the display of a small
number of channels at the extremes of the
• Touch Timeout
Automation Section
• Smooth and Thin Data After Pass
• Degree of Thinning
• Plug-in Controls Default to Auto-Enabled:
When selected, all applicable controls of
newly added plug-ins are enabled for automa-
tion. When not selected, the controls of
newly added plug-ins must be manually en-
abled for automation.
• Suppress Automation “Write To” Warnings:
When selected, Pro Tools suppresses the
warnings that appear after invoking any of
the Write Automation To Start, Selection,
End, or Punch commands and then stopping
the transport.
In previous versions of Pro Tools, the Link
Mix and Edit Group Enables option was in
the Operation Preferences page.
In previous versions of Pro Tools, the fol-
lowing three options were in the Display
Preferences page.