Avid Technology Pro Tools HD 7.2 User Manual

Page 24

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What’s New in Pro Tools HD 7.2


• Latching Behavior for Switched Controls in

“Touch”: This option determines the behavior
of switched controls (such as mute or plug-in
bypass) when writing automation in Touch

• When selected, controls in Touch mode

will latch in their current state. If an exist-
ing breakpoint is encountered, writing of
automation stops. If the transport is
stopped while writing, the control will Au-
toMatch to the underlying value.

• When not selected, controls in Touch

mode will not latch.

• Allow Latch Prime in Stop: When selected and

any tracks are in Latch mode, any automa-
tion-enabled controls on those tracks can be
set to new values while the transport is
stopped by touching or moving controls, to
prepare for the next automation pass.

• Coalesce When Removing Slaves from VCA

Group: This option determines the behavior
when removing slave tracks from a VCA-con-
trolled group.

• When selected, any automation on the

VCA Master is automatically coalesced
(without confirmation) to its slave tracks
when the tracks are removed from the

• When not selected, a confirmation dialog

lets you choose whether or not to coalesce
the VCA Master automation to the slave

• Standard VCA Logic for Group Attributes:

This option determines which Mix group at-
tributes may be selected in the Group dialog
when the group is assigned to a VCA Master.

• When selected, Main Volume, Mute, Solo,

Record Enable, and Input Monitoring con-
trols on slave tracks follow the VCA Master
only and are not available to be indepen-
dently linked. (This emulates the behavior
of analog console VCA masters.)

• When deselected, Main Volume, Mute,

Solo, Record Enable, and Input Monitoring
controls follow the VCA Master but also re-
main available for independent linking
with groups.

• Include Sends in Trim Mode: This option de-

termines the Trim status of Send faders when
a track is put in Trim mode.

• When selected, Send faders go into Trim

mode along with the Main Volume fader.

• When deselected, the Main Volume fader

goes into Trim mode, but the Send fader
stays in the corresponding standard Auto-
mation mode.

• Include Control Changes in Undo Queue:

This option determines whether certain mixer
control changes, such as moving a fader or
pan control, are entered into the Undo queue.

• When selected, mixer control changes ap-

pear in the Undo queue, and are undone if
any prior operation is undone.

• When deselected, mixer control changes

will not appear in the undo queue, allow-
ing you to undo other types of operations
without losing the current mixer settings.

• AutoMatch Time Setting

• AutoGlide Time Setting

Any set to default operations that affect
mixer controls are always entered into the
Undo queue.