Performance monitor, Business copy, Fast snap – HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 37: Performance monitor business copy fast snap

Performance Monitor
The following table provides information about specific Performance Monitor conditions that must
be observed when using Resource Partition.
Operation name
The specified ports must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted
to manage them.
Add to ports
The specified ports must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted
to manage them.
Add new monitored WWNs
The specified ports must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted
to manage them.
Edit WWNs
Business Copy
The following table provides information about specific Business Copy conditions that must be
observed when using Resource Partition.
Operation name
Both primary volume and secondary volumes must be assigned to the Storage
Administrator group permitted to manage them.
Create pairs
Primary volumes must be assigned to the Storage Administrator group permitted
to manage them.
Split pairs
Suspend pairs
Resynchronize pairs
Release pairs
Fast Snap
The following table provides information about specific Fast Snap conditions that must be observed
when using Resource Partition.
Operation name
If LDEVs for Fast Snap are created, the following must be assigned to the Storage
Administrator group that is permitted to manage them.
Create LDEVs
Pool VOL of the pool
If LDEVs for Fast Snap are deleted, the following must be assigned to the Storage
Administrator group that is permitted to manage them.
Delete LDEVs
Pool VOL of the pool
Volumes that are specified when creating or expanding pools must be assigned
to you.
Create pools
Expand Pool
All the volumes that are specified when creating pools must belong to the same
resource group.
Pool-VOLs of the specified pools must be assigned to you.
Edit Pools
Delete Pools
Both primary volumes and secondary volumes must be assigned to you.
Create pairs
Primary volumes must be assigned to you.
Split pairs
Using Resource Partition and other HP XP7 Storage products