Create ldevs confirm window – HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 271

Pool name and pool identifier.
Pool Name (ID)
Drive type and rpm in use on this LDEV.
Drive Type/RPM
RAID level. An asterisk "*" indicates that the parity group to which the
LDEV belongs is interleaved (concatenated).
RAID Level
Emulation type.
Emulation Type
LDEV capacity.
Format type.
Format Type
Storage system identifier in hexadecimal format.
Cache logical partition number, displayed as ID:CLPR.
For detailed information about CLPRs, see the HP XP7 Cache Partition User
MP blade identifier. If Auto is selected, the ID is automatically assigned.
MP Blade ID
Indicates whether Smart Tiers or Smart Tiers Z is enabled or disabled.
Smart Pool
Enable: The LDEV is for Smart Tiers or Smart Tiers Z.
Disable: The LDEV is for Smart Tiers or Smart Tiers Z.
The tiering policy name and ID for the LDEV.
Tiering Policy
Displays the new page assignment tier for the LDEV.
New Page Assignment Tier
Displays the relocation priority assigned to the LDEV.
Relocation Priority
A hyphen (-) is displayed.
Resource group name and ID of which this LDEV is a member.
Resource Group Name (ID)
Model name and serial number of the virtual storage machine having the
Virtual Storage Machine
Opens the Edit SSIDs window.
Edit SSIDs
Opens the Change LDEV Settings window.
Change LDEV Settings
Removes the added LDEV.
Create LDEVs Confirm window
Information in this topic assumes that only a single task is executed. If multiple tasks are executed,
the window displays all configuration items. To check information of a configuration item, click
Back to return to the configuration window, and then click Help.
Create LDEVs wizard