Viewing lu path settings, Releasing lun reservation by host, Prerequisites – HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 182
In the Confirm window, confirm the settings, in Task Name type a unique name for this task
or accept the default, and then click Apply.
If Go to tasks window for status is checked, the Tasks window opens.
Viewing LU path settings
The Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role is required to perform this task.
In the Storage Systems tree, click Ports/Host Groups.
The list of available ports appears in the tree.
In the tree, select a port.
The host groups corresponding to the port appear.
In the tree, select a host group.
Information about the selected host group appears on the right side of the window.
Select the LUNs tab.
Information about LU paths associated with the selected host group appear.
In the LUN ID column, click the LUN to open the LUN Properties window.
Releasing LUN reservation by host
The following explains how to release forcibly a LUN reservation by a host.
You must have the Storage Administrator (System Resource Management) role to perform this
If you perform the releasing a LUN reservation by a host, the host which is
connected to LDEV by LUN path is affected.
To release a LUN reservation by a host:
Click Ports/Host Groups in the Storage Systems tree.
The list of available ports appears in the tree.
In the tree, select a port.
The host groups corresponding to the port appear.
In the tree, select a host group.
Information about the selected host group appears on the right side of the window.
Select the LUNs tab on the right side of the window.
Information about LU paths associated with the selected host group appears.
On the menu bar, click Actions, Ports/Hosts Groups, and then View Host-Reserved LUNs. Or,
select View Host-Reserved LUNs from the lower right of the window. The Host-Reserved LUNs
window opens.
In the Host-Reserved LUNs window, select LUN to release the reservation by the host, and
then select Release Host-Reserved LUNs. The Release Host-Reserved LUNs window opens.
Confirm the settings and enter the task name in the Task Name box.
A task name can consist of up to 32 ASCII characters (letters, numerals, and symbols). Task
names are case-sensitive. (date) - (task name) is input by default.
Click Apply in the Release Host-Reserved LUNs window.
If the Go to tasks window for status check box is selected, the Tasks window appears.
Managing logical volumes