Select data to be graphed – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

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Table 25 Usage Monitor fields (continued)



The most recent data sample time on the graph.


Remote I/O statistics and status of remote copy monitor.

Usage Monitor

Select data to be graphed

The usage monitor graph plots the I/O data that you specify. On the graph:

The X-axis indicates time.

The Y-axis indicates the number of I/Os during the sampling period.

The legend on the right side shows the data being displayed.

The value on the Y-axis varies according to the maximum value of the statistical data appearing
in the graph. If the Y-axis value exceeds 10,000,000, the value is shown in exponential notation
(for example, 1E7 = 1×107 = 10,000,000; 2E8 = 2×108 = 200,000,000).

Procedure 12 To specify I/O data to be graphed


Make sure that usage monitoring is running (Monitoring Switch = Enable). The usage monitor
graph can be viewed only when monitoring is on.


On the menu bar, click Actions > Remote Copy > Continuous Access Synchronous > Usage
Monitor. The Usage Monitor window opens.


Change to Modify mode by clicking the



Right-click the graph and select Display Item from the menu. The Display Item dialog box


In the Select Volume box, select one of the following:

ALL Volumes, to view I/O statistics for all LDEVs in the system. When selected, the LDKC
number, CU number, and LDEV number appear above the graph.

A device ID ending in # (e.g., 00:00:3C #) indicates the LDEV is an external volume.
For more information, see the HP P9000 External Storage for Open and Mainframe
Systems User Guide

A device ID ending in X (e.g., 00:00:3C X) indicates the LDEV is a Thin Provisioning
virtual volume. For more information, see the HP P9000 Provisioning for Open
Systems User Guide

Volume, to view I/O statistics for a specific LU. Select the LU Port (CL1-A to CLG-M) and
enter the GID (00-FE) and LUN (000-7FF).


In the Monitor Data boxes, select the I/O statistics data that you want to appear on the graph.
You must select at least one box. The following describes the selections you can make.

Table 26 Remote copy I/O statistics data


Data type

RIO Count

Total number of remote I/Os

All RIO Count

Total number of write I/Os

All Write Count

Number of errors that occur during remote I/O

RIO Error Count

Initial Copy

Number of initial copy remote I/Os

Initial copy RIO count


Monitoring and maintenance