Restoring the factory default settings, Setting the ses al_pa, Viewing the event log – HP Storage EVA Capacity Upgrades User Manual

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30-10022-01 loop switch user guide


Restoring the Factory Default Settings

If necessary, the switch settings can be reset to their factory default values; however, the network
configuration settings are retained.

To restore the factory default configuration:


Under Configuration File, click Reset to Default Settings.

A message box is displayed confirming the request.


Click OK to restore the factory default configuration and reset the switch.

Setting the SES AL_PA

To facilitate communications through a SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device, a SES AL_PA must
be defined for the switch. This section displays the current SES AL_PA setting and allows you to
enter a different AL_PA under the “AL_PA to request” field. The default setting is “04”.

To set the AL_PA for the SES device:


Click Switch Configuration.


Enter the new value in the “AL_PA to request” text box.


Click Submit.

The Switch Configuration page displays the updated information.

To disable the SES AL_PA setting:


Click Switch Configuration.


Enter “00” in the “AL_PA to request” text box.


Click Submit.

The Switch Configuration page displays the updated information.

To have the switch automatically assign an AL_PA for the SES device:


Click Switch Configuration.


Enter “FF” in the “AL_PA to request” text box.


Click Submit.

The Switch Configuration page displays the updated information.

Viewing the Event Log

The Event Log contains a list of up to 3000 event log messages generated by the switch. The Switch
Event Log page displays the event log messages with each message containing the following

Event Number – the number assigned to that specific event in the log.

Event Date and Time – the date and time when the event was recorded in the log.

Event Severity – the severity level for that event.

Event Description – a brief description of the event.

For a complete list of event messages and severity levels, see

: Event Messages on page 45


To view the event log, click Event Log.