Performing a vc server profile failover – HP Virtual Connect Enterprise Manager Software User Manual
Page 77

Validating Fabric data—VCEM performs the following validations related to the fabric
connections data exportation:
Ensures that the fabric names and I/O bays exist in the target VC Domain Group. Fabric
names and I/O bays used by the server profile FC and FCoE connections must match
the fabric names and I/O bay positions defined in the target VC Domain Group.
The two conditions are mandatory in order for the server profile FC/FCoE connection be
exported successfully. If the fabric name exists in the target VC Domain Group and if the
I/O port in use by the fabric matches between the source and the target VC Domain
Groups then Step 5 is successful.
Confirms that the related I/O bay slice (horizontal adjacent pair of I/O bays containing
at least one VC FC or FlexFabric module) in use by the server profile connections exists
in the target VC Domain Group.
For example, consider server profile A with an FCoE connection defined as fabric
“FCoE_A” using I/O bay 3 in the source VC Domain Group which contains a VC
FlexFabric module, and you want to export this server profile to a target VC Domain
Group. In the target VC Domain Group, there is no fabric named “FCoE_A” and there
is no VC FlexFabric module in I/O bay 3. However the target VC Domain Group has
FCoE_B fabric using I/O bay 4 which contains a VC FlexFabric module that is the same
I/O bay slice the fabric “FCoE_A” was using in the source VC Domain Group.
If one of the fabrics from the I/O bay slice in use by the server profile connection does
not exist or is named differently in the target VC Domain Group, then the specific fabric
name is disassociated from the server profile FC or FCoE connection and
a Configuration status in the prevalidation window. In this case after the export server
profile operation is completed you must edit the server profile in the target VC Domain
Group and assign an existing fabric to the FC or FCoE connections. You will also need
to configure boot options for any of these connections, if necessary, so that the server
profile storage data or boot connectivity continues to work properly.
Ensures that the source VC Domain Group I/O slice in use by server profile FC or FCoE
connections exists in the target VC Domain Group. If the I/O bay slice is not defined in
the target VC Domain Group, then
displays a Warning status in the prevalidation
window. In this case, HP recommends that you edit the VC Server Profile and remove the
FC or FCoE connections from the source server profile that is related to the nonexistent
I/O bays in the target VC Domain Group.
Performing a VC Server Profile Failover
Virtual Connect Server Profile Failover is a VCEM feature that enables the automated movement
of VC server profiles and associated network connections to customer-defined spare servers in a
VC Domain Group. The manual movement of a VC server profile requires the following steps to
complete the operation, but VC Server Profile Failover combines these separate steps into one
seamless task:
Power down the original or source server.
Select a new target server.
Move the VC server profile to the target server.
Power up the new server.
VC Server Profile Failover operations require the source and target servers to be configured to
boot-from-SAN, and can be initiated from the VCEM graphical user interface (GUI) as a one-button
operation or from a command line interface (CLI). When used with the automatic event handling
functionality in Systems Insight Manager, VC Server Profile Failover operations can be automatically
triggered based user-defined events.
Performing a VC Server Profile Failover