HP XP Performance Advisor Software User Manual
Page 31
Select the license that you want to add and click Open.
The license file appears in the File Name box.
Click Add License.
After the licenses are installed, do not modify the date and time on the
management station where HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor is installed. Modifying them
may result in inaccurate configuration and performance collections.
The following details are updated in the View License File Status section. These details are for
the specific XP or the P9000 disk array serial number for which the license is generated:
Screen elements
Displays the type of XP or the P9000 disk array that HP
XP P9000 Performance Advisor monitors.
Hardware Platform
Displays the serial number of the XP or the P9000 disk
Serial Number
Displays the internal raw disk capacity of an XP disk
array or the usable capacity of a P9000 disk array.
Array Capacity (TB)
Displays the aggregate capacity of all valid license keys
installed. The License Capacity (TB) is updated every day
after 1:00 PM.
License Capacity (TB)
If 15TB Permanent license is installed for an XP or a
P9000 disk array, the License Capacity (TB) displays
If 15TB Permanent license and 100TB-Days of Meter
based Term license are installed for a P9000 disk
array, the License Capacity (TB) displays15TB,
Displays N/A after the TB-Days are installed. The Term
(Days) is updated every day after 1:00 PM to show the
remaining number of installed TB-Days.
Term (Days)
Applicable only for Meter based Term license.
Displays 0, if the installed TB-Days are insufficient to
monitor the additional usable capacity.
For an XP disk array record, the Term (Days) displays
N/A, as only a Permanent license is used to monitor
the internal raw disk capacity.
The Term (Days) displays N/A for a P9000 disk array
record, if the usable capacity is monitored using only
the Permanent license.
Displays Installed, which indicates that new
configuration collection is possible.
License Status
If a Permanent license is installed for an XP or a P9000
disk array, the End Date displays Never, which
indicates that the license is for an unlimited duration.
If TB-Days are installed for a P9000 disk array, the date
when the license ends appears. The End Date is updated
every day after 1:00 PM to show the date when the
installed TB-Days will be completely used.
End Date
Displays the appropriate messages for each XP or the
P9000 disk array record. The message includes the type
of license installed, license duration, and expiry date.
Generating licenses at the HPAC license key website