HP XP Performance Advisor Software User Manual
Page 26

Column Headings - License Status section
Displays the status as Installed.
License Status
Displays Never.
End Date
This is because, the Permanent license which is for an
unlimited duration is currently active.
Consider that the usable capacity exceeds the 50TB Permanent licensed capacity by 10TB in the
first half of 12/03/2010. As a result, the 90TB-Days are activated and HP XP P9000 Performance
Advisor uses 10TB-Days, and updates the following fields after 1:00 PM on the same day.
On 12/03/2010:
Column Headings - License Status section
Displays 50TB, +80TB-Days
License Capacity
This is because, 10TB-Days are used on 12/03/2010 to
monitor the additional 10TB usable capacity on that day.
It also indicates that +80TB-Days remain that can be used.
Displays 8.
Term (Days)
Eight days is the remaining duration when the +80TB-Days
can be used.
Displays the status as Installed.
License Status
Displays 12/10/2010.
End Date
Calculated as eight days starting from 12/03/2010.
Consider that the usable capacity exceeds the 50TB Permanent licensed capacity by 10TB in the
second half of 12/03/2010. As a result, HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor updates the above
listed fields after 1:00 PM only on the next day (12/04/2010), though the 10TB-Days are already
used from the 90TB-Days on 12/03/2010.
After the installed TB-Days are completely used and one of the following actions is not completed,
HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor enters 60 days grace period for that particular P9000 disk
A Permanent or appropriate TB-Days of Meter based Term license installed to monitor the
additional usable capacity.
The additional usable capacity reduced to match the Permanent licensed capacity.
In addition, HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor reduces the installed TB-Days every day after 1:00
PM till one of the above-mentioned actions is performed. The reduction (negative count) of TB-Days
is proportional to the additional usable capacity that needs to be monitored. After 60 days, a
capacity violation is reported and HP XP P9000 Performance Advisor stops monitoring that disk
Consider that the 90TB-Days are completely used in the first half of 12/11/2010 and appropriate
TB-Days are not yet installed to monitor the 10TB additional usable capacity. As a result, HP XP
P9000 Performance Advisor does the following:
Enters 60 days grace period at 1:00 PM on the same day and 0TB-Days are available.
Begins reduction (negative count) of installed TB-Days.
The reduction continues for the next 59 days and the every day reduction is proportional to the
10TB additional usable capacity that needs to be monitored. After 60 days, a capacity violation
is reported.
Managing licenses for XP and P9000 disk arrays