Using the task commands, Requirements, Using the task – HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 452: Commands

With parameters (open systems)
GetCTDelta hostname=hcfg05 instanceNumber=1302 groupName=UR001 hour=10
Date / Time,Pair Management Server / Host,Configuration File / Prefix,Copy Group,CTG,C/T Delta
Tue Jul 03 11:02:12 JST 2012,hcdg05,horcm1302.conf,UR001,,0
Tue Jul 03 11:04:08 JST 2012,hcdg05,horcm1302.conf,UR001,,0
With parameters (mainframe systems)
GetCTDelta hostname=XX01 prefix=HRPM.TEST.C1 groupName=UR2 day=20
Date / Time,Pair Management Server / Host,Configuration File / Prefix,Copy Group,CTG,C/T Delta
Tue Apr 17 22:43:33 JST 2012,XX01,HRPM.TEST.C1,UR2,22-22,0
Tue Apr 17 22:48:33 JST 2012,XX01,HRPM.TEST.C1,UR2,21-21,0
File output
GetCTDelta -o "C:\work\test.csv" hour=24
Using the task commands
In addition to usign the Replication Manager GUI, you can also execute tasks and obtain task status
information from the command line using the
Each command can also generate output in CSV format.
You can use the Task List in the Replication Manager GUI to confirm the result of CLI execution tasks
as well as GUI execution tasks. Clicking the Task ID will launches the Task History dialog that displays
the execution history and results.
This topic contains the includes the following:
• Location
• Getting information about tasks (GetTasks)
• Executing a task (ExecuteTask)
Please note the following requirements:
For Windows Server 2008 or later, you must have administrator permissions to execute the task
The task commands require that the HP XP7 Command View AE Common Component services
are running.
If the XP HP XP7 Command View AE Common Component is not installed under the installation
directory of XP HP XP7 Command View AE suite products, you must set the
environment variable. See “
About the installation base path
” on page 449 for more information.
Task commands must be run on the management server.
Replication Manager CLI tools