Configuring open and mainframe consistency groups – HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 159
Take note of the following:
CTGID/JNLGIDs are independent among storage systems. Replication Manager assigns a new
ID on the storage system if the storage system of the new copy group is different from that of the
original copy groups.
For mainframe systems, Replication Manager allows you to specify EXCTG options to maintain
consistency among multiple JNLGIDs in a Continuous Access Journal copy group.
Related topics
• Conditions for creating local copy pairs with the CTG option
• Copy group settings options (mainframe)
Conditions for creating local copy pairs with the CTG option
The following conditions apply when creating local copy pairs with the CTG (At-Time Split) option:
The CTG option is available only when the prerequisite product versions are later than appropriate
version, so that Device Manager agent/RAID Manager can accept CTG option for local copy.
Pairs created with the At-Time Split option (
-m grp
) and pairs created without this option must
not be mixed in the same group defined in the RAID Manager configuration file. If such pairs are
mixed, the pairsplit operation might end abnormally, or S-VOLs of the P-VOLs in the same consist-
ency group might not be created correctly at the time when the pairsplit request is received.
Related topics
• About assigning CTGID/JNLGID for copy pairs
Configuring open and mainframe consistency groups
The use of consistency groups across open and mainframe systems is supported for the Cnt Ac-S copy
type when using HP StorageWorks P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software on
XP24000/XP20000, HP P9500, and XP7 storage systems.
When creating new pairs
In the Pair Configuration Wizard (open system), specify the Assign CTG option in the Edit Task
dialog box (4. Task Management page) when creating the open Cnt Ac-S pairs.
Open the
subwindow (open systems) and confirm the CTGID assigned for
the open Cnt Ac-S pairs you created.
Use the Pair Configuration Wizard (mainframe) to define the mainframe Cnt Ac-S pairs. On the
3. Group Management page, perform the following:
Assign the same CTGID as the one you confirmed in step 2.
Specify the Enable Open/MF CTG option in the Edit Group dialog box.
Use HP StorageWorks P9000 for Business Continuity Manager Software to create pairs for the
pair definition configured in step 3.
When configuring existing pairs
Confirm the mainframe and open Cnt Ac-S pairs share the same CTGID.
User Guide