2 using the hp sum gui, Keyboard support, Source selections – HP Smart Update Manager User Manual

Page 15: Keyboard support source selections

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2 Using the HP SUM GUI

Keyboard support

The HP SUM GUI has accelerator keys that enable you to manage and control common tasks
quickly. To ensure proper navigation, the following are a few reminders.

Press ALT to see the task corresponding to the underlined letter.

The accelerator keys work by pressing ALT + the underlined letter.

Press Space to select items such as hosts or groups.

Press Tab to select from a list, and then press the arrow keys to toggle radio buttons.

Source selections

Repositories are the directories that contain the SPP, bundles, and individual smart components
HP SUM uses to update targets. Bundles are groups of firmware and software components that HP
releases. HP SUM allows you to choose one or more repositories and check the HP FTP site for the
latest versions of the components.


If more than one repository contains the same component, HP SUM uses the component

located in the repository closest to the top of the Current Repositories table.

Keyboard support